Understanding the differences between mineral and organic makeup


Makeup has become a major factor in our lives.  With the growing trend toward a more natural healthier makeup, many are confused on what mineral and organic make. That is why understanding these type of makeup we can make a better decision for ourselves.

For century makeup has been used to beautify woman and later men. As makeup has become more affordable more available to the public. Its present and important has become evident. In the paste makeup was only value by the physical and visual usage and effect. The unseen health fact was unknown or ignored. But as consumer become more and more health conscious, their demand has created a new market. We have demand for a more eco-friend product that not only protects our home earth but also nourishes our health and still does what makeup does. Organic make and mineral make are the leading trend in this new era of makeup.  There are some confusing on these two types. Here we will break down these two types of makeup to give you a better understanding. With this understanding, you can decide for your self which one is right for you.

So, what is the difference between mineral makeup and organic makeup?

About mineral makeup: Mineral is one of the most ancient methods of makeup. Even long before its commercial makeup started in the 1970s, mineral makes up has been used regularly in the ancient cultures. Mineral makeup is made absolutely from natural mineral materials that exist in nature, such as iron oxides (colourant), talc, zinc oxide (sunscreen agent), and titanium dioxide (opacifying agent and colourant) These minerals than are micronised and pulverised into tiny particles. It doesn’t include preservatives, colouring admixture or scent perfume. It makes you feel very comfortable when you use because it doesn’t stick and harm your skin. Almost every mineral makeup in the market is in a powdery form. Here are some things you need to know about mineral makeup

What does it bring

  • Safe with acne skin: The first thing you should know about mineral cosmetics: they are safe with acne skin. This is the intelligent choice because their ingredients don’t contain oils, don’t stick to pores, therefore, it doesn’t make your acne worse. The anti-irritating ingredients like zinc can be soothing to inflammation. Thanks to the illumination of harmful chemicals, preservatives… it is absolutely benign and suitable for your sensitive skin.
  • Many ways to use mineral cosmetics: Mineral cosmetics are flexible. Depend on your preference; you can use them in dry or liquid form, you can even mix them with no problem.
  • Effective sunscreen: You may be surprised by this wonderful virtue of mineral makeup. Thanks to titanium dioxide and zinc oxide, you will be protected from UV effectively. The FDA has approved zinc oxide as a skin protectant and titanium dioxide as a sunscreen

Weak points of mineral makeup:

  • 100% doesn’t mean 100 %: Mineral cosmetics are made from many ingredients and not all of them are 100% from a natural mineral. Cosmetics companies can use the words “mineral makeup” as long as it contains mineral – it doesn’t mean that it is free of chemicals. So you need to read the label carefully before buying mineral makeup and actively research about ingredients.
  • Some of the minerals can cause allergy: You should read the list of ingredients to know whether the product has to harmful ingredients or not. Please remember not everything which is of natural origin is safe. Bismuth oxychloride is an example; many people are allergic to this ingredient.
  • Since it doesn’t contain preservatives and ingredients usually found in conventional cosmetics, mineral cosmetics are not exactly durable.
  • Mineral makeup is made with pure minerals and doesn’t add any dyes or colouring agents; there are only a limited amount of colour and tones, so it may be difficult to find a perfect skin tone match.


 Colourful mineral makeup for you to choose.

Organic makeup: Unlike mineral cosmetics, which is made from mineral ingredients such as ferric oxide, zinc oxide, titanium oxide, mica, silica, kaolin etc., organic cosmetics are manufactured organically from plants of organic sources. The big difference here is organic makeup use ingredients that are planted and grown organically, in an organic farm, while with mineral makeup, cannot be planted or grown, minerals can only be mined from nature. With organic makeup, you can absolutely trust in this kind of products because they don’t contain pesticides, herbicides, genetic transmitting factors, chemical and animal origin ingredient… And just like mineral makeup, organic makeup also has its pros and cons

The pros:

  • Benign and safe with your sensitive skin, even when you are pregnant. It is extracted from organic ingredients so you are not affected by harmful chemicals like paragons and phthalates.
  • Organic makeup helps to bring up and develop the growth of cells. Moreover, it takes care of your skin from inside and makes sure that your skin always can be healthy and strong. Organic makeup has a higher concentration of nutrients, so with makeup with such a high level of beneficiary oils, antioxidant or enzymes, your skin will be stronger and healthier. The herbal extracts from white team grapes also help to provide a smoother, more youthful look.
  • Various virtues: Since organic ingredients can be grown, we can make organic make up that respond to any purpose. From whiten the skin to conceal your blemishes,…there’s always an organic makeup product that can satisfy your need, and it is safe and can be used even during pregnancy time!
  • Eco-friendly: perhaps the most precious benefits of organic make up. The ingredients are grown organically, following rules that respect the well-being of nature. And with these ingredients being natural, they don’t have the harmful side-effect on the environment like conventional cosmetics. Using organic makeup is not only good for your skin, but also for the health of yourself, your family and the planet.

The cons:

  • Risk of allergy: Although organic makeup is good, it doesn’t mean that it is perfect. You can still get allergic when you use organic make up because you are not compatible with the ingredients in the product. But this is a rare case, it is almost suitable for any type of skin, even though the sensitive skin.
  • Short life cycle: Because it doesn’t generally contain preservatives, its life cycle is shorter than the other products. One important point is you should not use it when it is out of date because you will not know how it can harm your skin.
  • Not so attractive scent: Extracted absolutely from natural, no chemicals, this is the reason why maybe its scent can make you feel uncomfortable, especially if you are already used with the lovely fragrance of conventional makeup. You may need a little time to be familiar with its scent.
  • High price: It’s quite expensive because its cost of producing is high. Organic ingredients are 1,5 times more expensive than normal ingredients. And you have to let organic plants grow naturally, that means no use of growth factor, and the productivity can’t compete with that of conventional farming. The build of an organic farm that can do quality control and meet all the necessary environmental, safety and production standards to provide organic ingredients is also costly. All these facts make organic makeup have a noticeably higher price than normal makeup


Organic makeup is suitable for every kind of skin     

Mineral makeup and organic makeup are two of the leading trends in cosmetics nowadays, as they are all about safe ingredients that help you achieve beautiful skin while not harming your health. But like everything else, they all have their own pros and cons. You should actively research them to find the kind of makeup that suit yourself. To get more information about mineral or organic makeup, please take a look at our website:  https://naturalorganicliving.com.au/



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