Superfood – Investigating Tiger Nut traditional an organic food


Tiger nut has long been a treasured organic food for many ancient cultures so cherished that this nut has been found in an Egyptian tomb. But little do they know that this treasure is a superfood that gives you many health benefits.

The world is discovering Tiger nut as a superfood. This super food before was well known even before our time.  The Parisian and Arab authors have well-documented tiger nut. Even Chinese document on this product usage. The ancient Egyptian also treasure this nut. Its sweetness is ideal for dessert or treats back then in those ancient time. Little do they know the benefit of this superfood. Taste alone does not make this nut preferable, but its health and its’ nutritious benefit is an additional bonus and lift the level of this nut preference.

Tiger nuts are commonly known as Chufa. This famous organic food from the gaur country is not a nut, but they are small seeds of the roots. It was first discovered 4000 years ago in many sizes, tiger nuts are round, rough and have a brown colour like soil, with long, green and flat leaves. Although being a nutritious spice of Spain, but tiger nuts originate from the African countries of ancient Egypt. The Egyptians used these nuts as a regular food; the grain used accounted for 80% of the daily diet. Tiger nuts have long been popular in the developed world because of the great benefits they bring. Today, nuts have become organic food that contains lots of fibre, protein, calcium, potassium, magnesium and natural sugars.

The raw tiger nuts

Nutritional value of tiger nuts

Over 100g of seeds bring:

  • Energy: 496.8 kcal
  • Gluxite: 30.55g
  • Fat: 24.9g
  • Protein: 4.58g
  • Fibre: 33.04g
  • Moisture: 4.64g
  • Phosphorus: 340mg
  • Magnesium: 900mg
  • Kali: 7100mg
  • Sodium: 120mg

Tiger nut milk is an excellent substitute for cow’s milk: Milk from tiger nuts is rich in calcium but is completely lactose-free. This nut is suitable for people who are unable to absorb lactose in cow’s milk or lactose intolerant people. Besides, tiger nut milk contains many vitamins C and E, which help prevent hypertension, high cholesterol, other cardiovascular problems. Tiger nut milk is easy to digest and absorb. In particular, tiger nut milk doesn’t cause an allergic reaction to milk from other nuts such as almonds, cashew nuts.

Tiger nut is rich in magnesium: Magnesium is an important mineral for the body. The role of magnesium is to help promote muscle and nerve cells, keep the heart rate stable, increase resistance, regulate blood sugar levels, and strengthen bones. Magnesium affects the functioning of the kidneys and prevents menstrual problems (in women) and maintains a stable pH to prevent fungal infections. Only 100 grams of this organic food provide 13-17% of the daily magnesium requirement for an adult.

The benefits of tiger nuts

Tiger nuts provide the right amount of potassium for the body: Potassium helps regulate water and electrolyte balance, helps maintain normal functioning, especially of cardiovascular, muscular, digestive and urinary systems. A diet rich in potassium helps reduce blood pressure, reduces the risk of heart attack, improves digestive and respiratory function, reduces bronchial asthma, improves insulin used by the body; reduces the signs of depression and anorexia. Only 25 seeds of this organic food provided 139 milligrams of potassium, more than a banana which is considered to be the richest fruit in potassium.

This organic food is rich in fibre, especially digestive fibre. Dietary fibre increases the amount of diet, helps you feel full faster, therefore helps control weight, and supports digestion. In particular, dietary fibre in tiger nuts does not raise blood sugar levels, helping diabetics manage their blood sugar levels. Tiger nut has more fibre than any other food. This means you can eat less and still have the right level of fibre you need per day. This is one of the reasons why it is a superfood.

Tiger nuts are an endless source of plant protein: Proteins participate in muscle, blood, lymph, hormone, enzyme, antibody, secretory and endocrine glands. Proteins are involved in all vital functions of the body (circulation, respiration, genitals, digestion, secretion of mental and mental activity). A healthy diet requires that we balance the protein from animals such as meat, fish, eggs and plant protein. Vegetable proteins contain less fat and cholesterol than animal proteins, supporting the regulation of the cardiovascular system, helping cells function stably, helping to prevent cancer. The amino acids in this organic food are higher than the standards of the World Health Organisation for other foods.

Tiger nuts contain lots of vegetable oil: The content of vegetable oil of this organic food is much higher than in avocado or coconut. Vegetable oil helps to keep skin soft, smooth, prevent ageing, improve the resistance of the body, and fight off external aggressors.

Rich in Vitamin E: Tiger nut is rich in vitamin and mineral. It is exceptionally rich in vitamins E and potassium and phosphorus. Vitamin E is perfect for your skin and body. Vitamin E is an antioxidant. Antioxidants’ is amazing in the way it helps remove damaging or destructive free radical from our body. When this nut is transformed to yoghurt through a fermentation process, this superfood becomes a mega superfood become richer in vitamins and minerals. Fermentation enhances the nutrition level of all or majority of any ingredient.

Contain Antibacterial properties: Tiger nut has a substance called Cyperus esculentus. A study by Ancient Science of Life, Cyperus esculentus fight off bacteria. This means that tiger nut helps our body fight infection and pathogen creating a healthy environment within our body. Those who are resistant to the antibiotic can consume these to boost their immune system and better fight off these infections and virus. It is a great nut to consume to increase your immunity in general or when you feel a little weak.

Contain Prebiotic for digestive health: As mention, Tiger nut is good for the digestive system due to its high fibre content. However, there is another reason why tiger nut is good for your digestive system. The Prebiotic within tiger nut boost our good gut bacteria. By providing energy for this bacteria out, the digestive system can prevent bloating and gas. Furthermore, by regularly eating this nut, it will help prevent or relieve flatulence and diarrhoea.

How to eat tiger nuts?

The traditional way to use tiger nuts is as a beverage, tiger nuts are processed with water to produce milk, which is widely used in Mediterranean countries. Another traditional way is to use this organic food as healthy snack food, which can be eaten directly because their sweet, cool taste is very attractive to people. Today, tiger nuts can be used in many different forms: flour, oil.

  1. Eat tiger nuts like snacks

After harvesting,  tiger nuts are dried, so it is become solid, however, after 4 hours the soaked seeds will soften. Tiger nuts that have been peeled can be eaten as snacks. This organic food tastes sweet and crunchy like fresh coconut.

  1. Tiger nut milk – Horchata de chufa
  • Pour water into a bowl that contains tiger nuts, put in the refrigerator, for about 12 – 24 hours.
  • Blend raw ingredients including 1 bowl of tiger seeds, 4 glasses of water, 1/4 cup of sugar.
  • After milling the mixture into a liquid, filter the liquid through a grate
  • Add a little cinnamon powder or lemon peel to increase the flavour

Tiger nut milk

  1. Combine tiger nuts with breakfast

Healthy breakfast will give you energy for a whole day, and give your body full of protein, fibre, vitamins and minerals. With a mild sweet taste, sliced tiger nuts can create excellent taste when added to foods such as yoghurt, sour fruit, cereal, porridge, oats.

  1. Chocolate with tiger nuts
  • Heat 8oz of dark chocolate of 85% in a boiler with medium heat, stirring until the chocolate melts.
  • Add scent with cinnamon, vanilla or cardamom; depending on your preference.
  • Mix the peeled tiger nuts into chocolate.
  • Place the tiger nuts that are covered with chocolate on a baking tray covered with silicone pads, wait until the chocolate thickens.
  • Store this organic food in the refrigerator until it hardened, and you can enjoy it.
  1. Smoothie with tiger nuts
  • Soak the tiger nuts in a bowl of water, then place in a refrigerator for about 12 hours.
  • Place these ingredients in a blender: 2/3 cup of water, tiger seed, a small peeled banana, 2/3 cup of fresh pomegranate, and 2/3 cup of fresh strawberry juice.
  • Process all ingredients into a smooth mixture such as ice cream, add water if necessary to create consistency.
  • Pour the smoothie into a glass and enjoy it. This formula is for 2 people.
  1. Tiger nuts powder

Tiger nuts powder is used like any gluten-free flour in baking. With high protein and fibre content, organic foods made from this powder are healthier than other powders. The recommended ratio is 1: 1 when using tiger nuts flour to replace cereal or rice flour in bread, pancakes, biscuits, muffins.

  1. Tiger nuts butter

The tiger nuts butter can be used for vegetarian food with a strong flavour. The basic recipe for making tiger’s butter is just two ingredients: tiger nuts and coconut oil. You can also add a little vanilla or cinnamon to the mixture.

  1. Tiger nuts jam

Combine tiger nuts and dried fruit in a sugar mixture. The shelled tiger nuts are best for jams because they are softer and wetter than their un-cooked counterparts.

  1. Raw food energy bites with tiger nuts

Raw food energy balls are one of the easiest and most delicious ways to use tiger nuts. The most basic recipe includes: soaked and drained tiger nuts, pitted dates, raw and unsweetened cocoa powder.

  • Soak 1 cup of tiger nuts before putting in the fridge, about 12 hours until it softened, then drain it well
  • Blend the ingredients: tiger nuts with 1 cup of pitted dates and 1/4 cup of raw cacao.
  • Roll the mixture into 1 inch balls, covered with cocoa powder outside the ball, put it in the fridge for 1 hour before eating.

Raw food energy bites with tiger nuts

How many kinds of tiger nuts are available?

You can buy tiger nuts with many forms, including:

  • Peeled tigers nuts: they are soft and easier to eat than those without milling. This is the perfect organic food for snacks.
  • Raw silk nuts: They contain more fibre than shelled tigers nut, and they are quite hard. You need to soak the nuts before eating to facilitate the chewing process.
  • Tiger nuts powder: Another name is chufa powder. This gluten-free flour can replace the fine flour and other grains. You can use this organic food instead of the other powder in baking, combine it with a smoothie, creat energy-rich dishes, breakfast and butter.

Tiger nuts are organic food rich in nutrients. Their bold taste is a great addition to your daily meal. If you want to try tiger nuts, you can apply the ideas and recipes above. Tiger nut is now the trend of nutrition from 2017, and it is considered a superfood. For more about other food in the superfood series, and get some tips to create more nutritious food, visit us at


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