Do you know about organic gardening? Let’s discover this amazing subject with the report below.
On a sunny, warm summer morning you sit outside with a special someone, looking out at your fantastic garden, wow isn’t that nice? Organic gardening may not be as straightforward as we think. So, this report will give you a basic understanding of what you need to know about organic gardening in having a natural, healthy fruits and vegetables?
Welcome to organic gardening
What is organic gardening?
First, to know what you need to take care of your garden, we should understand the concept of what is organic gardening. Organic gardening is gardening without using any pesticides or synthetic fertilisers. Similarly, the organic vegetable is known as handmade products which are usually grown by the farmer and individual family. Using natural resources is the main important point of natural gardening.
This special type of gardening consists of many factors such as earth – friendly, no chemical, natural gardening with safe food and vegetable. As a result, growing an organic gardening is the best way to protect and ensure our health.
According to The Organic Foods Production Act in 1990, The USDA – U.S Department of Agriculture set a national standard for vegetable, garden, and food, that only goods that contained the label “organic” are organic. However, this requirement is only applied to commercial agriculture produces. Fortunately, for gardeners, we can totally grow our own organic garden at home. No standard, no definition, no requirement, it is only something good for you and your family health.
Although there are many standards for the organic farming grower, it is still essential for us to understand what we need and what we should avoid to have natural and safe health produce.
Make some amazing product with your own organic gardening
Why should we have a natural and safe organic gardening?
It is not simple to answer why we should have a natural and safe organic gardening. Because each person will have their idea, value and what is important to them in term of consumption of food. There are many people who think that vegetable in a supermarket is enough for their health, that there is no need to spend time growing a boring garden. Is that true? The answer depends entirely on each person. However, there are a few objects in an organic garden which make it more important in our life and society. Let’s discover some main reasons below and find out your answer:
First, the organic farming method is an effective way to provide and keep natural benefit from the soil. Adding natural organic harmonising components to the soil on a regular basis play an essential role in our Earth and our life in general.
Organic farming is an enjoyable activity for people of all ages. It is the best opportunity for all family members to stay close and teach their children about nature. There is something amazing and enjoyable about watching things grow its health and beauty is under your control.
Knowing that your produces is safe as you control what feeds it, is satisfying and comforting when you eat it with your meal. This is the benefit of organic gardening. Organic means that we won’t use any insecticides and fertilizers, which are mentioned above, therefore, it protects us and our environment.
How to start Organic gardening – step by step
The benefit of organic farming is higher than buying any vegetable in the supermarket, however, to take care of and grow an organic garden, it takes time, effort and cost. If you are ready to explore this amazing activity, let read this report and find out the best way to have a healthy natural garden.
Start organic gardening by starting with something small things
Growing garden, in general, is not suitable for people who get bored easily. Only the growers who are committed and can invest their free time can gain the best result.
So, let start with some below points:
Preparing the soil
In preparing the soil for your garden, you have to know what plant you are growing. Each plant needs are different including spacing, soil ph(acidity of the soil), the composition of the soil, air condition, soil moisture or water level of the soil, temperature, etc. these factors will affect the plant select and health, which you need to consider carefully.
You will eat directly goods and vegetable that you grow, so let make sure that your plants contain enough nutrient (vitamin and minerals). Good healthy soil can help build up a stronger and safer plant. Ensure that you read the label of the brought soil mix. We want to avoid chemical soil mixed. Remember we eat these plants so what you feed it is what we will eat.
How to make good compost
After finding a suitable soil to grow in our natural garden, we should know how to make good compost. The best and easy way to create compost is to have a compost bin. Designate a large bin to put all your scrap food, garden waste, etc. Any things that you think is natural, safe and good can make good compost (e.g. plastic is not compostable, but lettuce scape is good for compost). You can also buy compost, but please read the label to ensure that it is all natural with no chemical. Once you have created or bought compost, you can put it directly on the plant.
Proper water
Water is always the main component for organic vegetable’s development. No water, no survive. What time should we water the plant? Morning, exactly. Why? Morning tends to be quite cool and without strong winds which affect the amount of water. If we water in the evening, it is likely to cause more damage to plants because of bacterial and fungal diseases.
Also, only water the roots, not the greenery which can be damaged extremely easily. The water amount also depends on the weather and season. Research and think about carefully and gain experience by doing it numerous times.
Protect plants without using toxic pesticides
Setting enough light, moisture and nutrients are needed to protect plants without needing toxic pesticides. Being our best friends, beneficial insects such as ladybugs, are the most effective way to avoid harmful insect.
According to EPA data, it may be shocking, but it is a fact that homeowners usually use pesticides in their garden more than farmers do. This result showed a necessary action to protect plants more safely. No need to use chemical or harmful factors, instead let’s use natural methods.
Not all insects are harmful to our garden. There is a certain plant that certain rebel insect. Research on this and choice the right plant for you. Furthermore, we need insects to help with the pollination of the plant. We need them to create fruits for us. Know what you insect you want and which you don’t want. From this point, you can research for a solution to remove them from your garden, e.g., using eggshell to discourage snails from approaching your plant.
Many vegetable diseases are caused by dirty, fallen foliage and dead leaves. To avoid all problems, regularly, check your garden at least once per week. Walking through the garden and pick up foliage especially in autumn, you can avoid some dangerous diseases. However, the leaves can be helpful fertile if we burn or bury them in deep ground.
Keep your organic gardening clean
Buy some professional equipment to take care of the garden and enjoy the interesting time.
Use an organic garden fertiliser
Fertiliser, in general, may not be necessary. However, it still helps the plants grow faster and stronger to avoid and prevent serious diseases. Try some natural products. Some good and safe fertilisers have safe origins which are shown in seed packets, catalogue listings, plant tags,…
Organic gardening fertilizer
If your soil is good enough, no need for any fertiliser. Too much may become not effective for plants. In fact, slower-growing garden often refuse and resist diseases and insects better.
What chemical or product you have to avoid in natural organic gardening
Organic vegetable production means the use of organic seeds. These seeds are collected from plants that have undergone a controlled organic vegetable production process.
Do not use seeds that are not known to be genetically modified (GMO). You can refer to the online shop or the organic shop to pick the seed package you like. With some small advice, we hope to help you have a natural organic garden:
No use of chemical drugs to prevent pests
Research crops for better planning, irrigation, and fertilisation to keep out insects and pest
It is not easy to have healthy natural produce. Time, money and effort are needed. Let’s try some new for a better life for us and the environment. Organic gardening – open a beautiful and creative world.