7 popular homemade natural hair care products

Vinegar, ripe mango, tomato juice or even black sesame are secret ingredients in obtaining soft, smooth hair. Hair is one of the beautiful that enhance women and men beauty. Dry, split ends, oily, shiny or oil stains all contribute to your overall presentation, charisma, an image you give to your crush or your friends and colleges. Hair care investment is needed both, in term of time and effort alongside your skin care. Natural hair care products do not have to be expensive there are home ingredients like tomato, mango, vinegar, etc., that everyone can use to maintain beautiful hair without harsh chemical but live a more natural and eco-friendly environment.
Natural Shampoo

Greasy hair – vinegar treatment

Vinegar is not merely a flavouring needed for a family meal; it’s also a cheap but effective shampoo that helps you look after your hair better. There are many exciting hair care products from vinegar, such as oil-based facial cleanser, oil cleansing, hair removal, dandruff treatment and silky smooth hair. To remove sebum from your hair, wet your hair, then apply vinegar (vinegar or apple cider vinegar) and massage gently for 2-3 minutes. Finally, wash and dry your hair. You will feel the sudden change of hair texture; hair is soft and shiny.

For dandruff treatment, you should dissolve three parts warm water into one part vinegar, apply to hair, leave overnight and wash with water the next morning. For heavy dandruff, use about three tablespoons of vinegar mixed with one tablespoon of olive oil, one teaspoon of lemon juice and 1 cup of warm water, apply to the hair, and then rinse with the solution and then rinse with water. The vinegar is capable of restoring PH levels on the scalp, controlling the sebum regulating process, so your hair will regain its strength quickly while eradicating the dandruff scales.

Also, you can also smooth the hair with vinegar by mixing two tablespoons of this vinegar with 2 cups of warm water, a few mint leaves, boil then leave to cool and apply to the hair about 2-3 times a week. Do not forget to combine gentle or do a scalp massage to stimulate blood circulation as well as help the nutrient in the vinegar to be absorbed into the hair better. After washing, you will be surprised to see that your dry hair becomes shinier and softer than before.


Green tea to obtain silky hair and reduction of dandruff

Not only does green tea a use of skin care, anti-ageing, but green tea is also the “pharmacy” to help remove hair loss caused by dandruff, sclerosis. The simple way to take care of your hair with green tea is to use 1/2 cup small green tea, mix well with half a cup of white wine and one teaspoon of oil. Apply this mixture to the roots, massage gently, for 1 hour then rinse with warm water 2-3 times a week to clean the hair just soft and smooth.

Also, do not forget to take your daily dose of green tea as its’ antimicrobial properties, strong detoxification in green tea also promote blood circulation better, stimulate hair growth and anti-dandruff right from the inside of the body.


Prevents hair loss and gives glossy black hair with nuts

Black sesame seeds, walnuts, pistachio and dry nuts are rich in unsaturated fatty acids, which not only help prevent skin ageing but also contribute positively to take care of your hair better.

Do not be afraid to eat some seeds or use black sesame tea, black sesame porridge to help your body health, as well as help unsaturated fatty acids, provide nutrients to the hair, thereby reducing hair condition. Weak, broken. Besides, this fatty acid layer forms a protective film on your scalp, which prevents hair from damage from the sun’s rays; UV rays or other harmful substances in the air. Frequently eating black sesame will also make your hair more glossy black. Particularly for those who want natural hair care for black hair can use black sesame.


Treat your hair with honey and eggs

Eggs and honey contain a lot of nutrients, a natural source of natural ingredients to care for your hair, make your hair sleek, smooth and healthy. Natural hair care products for dry hair is here. If you do not want to spend too much time on your hair, just mix egg white and honey, apply the mixture to your hair, massage for a few minutes, wrap the hair in a towel for 5 to 10 minutes and rinse it off.

If you want a little more effort and a better result you can use this treatment. Take one tablespoon of honey, one egg yolk, one tablespoon of almond oil and yoghurt in a small bowl and mix well. Rub evenly over your hair, then rinse off with warm water after 30 minutes, Your will be glossy. For smooth and soft hair use one tablespoon of honey, two tablespoons of olive oil and one egg yolk mix well, apply and massage the hair for 15 minutes and then rinse with water.


Mango helps to make shiny hair

Mangos are rich in protein and vitamins, not only help your body healthy but also your scalp and hair. To improve your hair condition like dullness, use a well-ripened mango with two tablespoons of olive oil, 3 to 4 teaspoons of milk and two tablespoons of honey and use this mixture as your shampoo. After rinsing with water, you will see your hair bright


Removes odours from the hair with tomatoes

After a day on the in the heat and sweating, your hair may not smell may not be as good but smell unpleasant. To get rid of this, shampoo your head with cold water, then apply tomato juice to your hair, cover the hair for 15 – 20 minutes and rinse.


Restore damaged hair from olive oil

Olive oil, which is rich in unsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E, which is useful in helping to increase endurance, restore vitality to dry, damaged hair. Olive oil is great for repairing hair from frequent exposure to styling activity such as squeezing, bending, stretching, dyeing, etc. Apply 2-3 tablespoons olive oil warmed by the microwave or stove to your hair, massage gently for the oil to penetrate into the hair, incubate your hair for about 30 minutes with a towel and rinse.

Another hair mask you can make is, in a small bowl taking two tablespoons of olive oil mixed with two tablespoons of honey. Warm the mixture in the microwave, then spread on the hair, massage evenly. Using a hot towel wrap your hair with it for 45 minutes and then rinse with water or wash with regular shampoo, without using conditioner because the oil in the formula will have condition your hair leaving it hydrated and smooth. Carrying these out regularly once a week or twice a month to help your hair looking healthier and reduce dry, split ends.



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