In the nutritious food market, the organic product has been receiving a lot of attention all over the world. Organic foods and its products have more health benefits than conventional foods.
We are in information increasingly high-tech agricultural era with products like genetically engineered foods, chemical enhancing production; there have been some negatives effects on our health and environment. Through this information age, many consumers see this negativity and see rediscover a natural organic way of eating and living as the key to better health, better quality of life and benefiting our planet. This organic of live hit three bird with one stone. This organic way of life is creating an opportunity for many businesses in the world to provide organic products while promoting this way of life and making a living on this way of life.
The term “organic products” is the way agricultural products are farmed. Organic crops must be planted naturally, without chemical plant protection or chemical fertilisers. Farmers are not allowed to use synthetic insecticides or petroleum fertilisers but must use natural fertilisers from animal compost, compost from decayed plants, and pest control by natural enemies or biological measures (GMO). Farmers must follow the technical procedures to ensure that plants and animals are in good health. Organic products can be divided into two categories:
- Organic products that are of plants origin: Vegetables are naturally grown, fertilised with natural fertilisers, no chemical fertilisers or plant protection chemicals. Natural fertilisers are derived from animal specimens, composted from decayed plants. Eradicate pests with natural enemies.
- Organic products that are of animal origin: Animals are kept in separate areas where no chemical or plant protection chemicals are present in food or water. Animals are naturally grown without using any growth stimulant, except antibiotics for the treatment, but it has to be 90 days before slaughter, allowing the antibiotics to be flush out of the animal system.
The organic foods
In Australia, organic farms must be rigorously tested and certified as a standard organic farm. When using healthy organic products made from organic farms, we can absolutely rest assured that what we are using completely does not use toxic chemicals. Australia’s standards are extremely strict, and the food is only recognised as organic products when all its 95% – 100% ingredients are organic. Australian organic certification bodies include:
- Australian Certified Organic (ACO)
- Organic Food Chain (OFC)
- The National Association for Sustainable Agriculture, Australia (NASAA)
- Bio-Dynamic Research Institute (BDRI)
- Safe Food Production Queensland (SFQ)
- The Tasmanian Organic Producers (TOP)
Why are organic products much better than normal products?
Many scientific studies show that organic products offer many health benefits and benefits. Researchers in the United States, France, and Germany, have appreciated the sensory quality of organic products compared to the current conventional today. Of course, they have eliminated psychological factors (like organic) before scoring.
The organic product helps prevent disease with high nutritional quality:
- Chemicals such as herbicides, fungicides and pesticides, etc are widely used in conventional agriculture and can be stored on or in the foods we eat every day. Since then, it has caused many diseases and threats to health. Organic products don’t contain harmful chemicals, so they are safer for health. This reduces the risk of food poisoning in the mild form and reduces the risk of cancer in the long run.
- Studies show that if you provide the same amount of calories, organic products will provide much more active ingredients like vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, ranging from 19% to 68% for some polyphenols and flavonoids. The chemical residue limits to ensure food safety are also lower than normal products, especially nitrate and E-coli residues are below the allowable limit. A study by Washington State University in 2001 found that organic apples are stronger and provide more natural sugar than normal apples. Also, apples, pears, and potatoes are double the number of nutrients compared to fruits grown in the usual way.
- Also, heavy metals such as cadmium (Cd) are up to 48% lower, or nonexistent. Organically grown animals are more grazed on pasture, increases the amount of CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) in animal products. CLA is a heart-healthy fatty acid that can increase cardiovascular protection, commonly found in breast milk and animal fats.
- Also, scientists point out that organic fruits and vegetables help reduce the risk of cancer, stroke and heart disease because they contain more antioxidants than conventional foods by up to 40%. Organic products also contain salicylic acid that helps prevent the risk of hardening of the arteries and cancer. Besides, organic products also prevent the risk of infertility. Organic foods have a great impact on the reproduction of animals, including humans. The reason for infertility comes from many chemicals that are stored too much in the body from dirty foods.
- Using organic products will reduce the exposure to phosphorus, which is one of the many substances involved in the development of the child. Phosphorus is also responsible for the increased risk of autism and ADHD in children. According to research at the University of California USA, more than 80% of the phosphorus in our bodies is found from foods that contain pesticides. For animals using genetically modified foods, the immune system of animals is impaired, increasing the rate of death at birth, sexual dysfunction, and allergic sensitivities. Organic products will ensure the health of your immune system.
The organic product helps prevent disease
The organic product is good for the environment:
- Thanks to its no chemical policy, organic farming practices will help to reduce environmental pollution (air, water, soil), reduce erosion, increase soil fertility. No pesticide farming is good for people living in the surrounding environment, maintaining a healthy community. With organic methods, we can reuse animal waste and dead plant to produce fertiliser, save on materials and protect the environment.
- The use of organic products and the organic agriculture-based farm will reduce the dangerous phenomenon caused by toxic chemicals. Increasing the carbon recovery of soils easily reduces the greenhouse effect and warming of the earth. The organic product is produced based on the balance of ecosystems from the air, land, plants, organisms and even humans.
- Conservation of natural resources and biodiversity is a core principle of organic agriculture. This model helps to ensure a friendly environment, maintaining organic farming that is beneficial to farmland and animals. Use plants that attract beneficial insects, provide habitat for birds and animals, facilitate the increase of soil biodiversity, and provide important ecological services for the organic production system.
Organic products are usually fresher and tastier:
- Old people often comment that the old days are better than now. That’s right! It was not because of poverty at that time, but because the method of production was not inferior to the organic concept today. Organic products are usually fresher because they do not contain preservatives, but they also break down faster and are easier to infect.
- Many people think organic products taste better than other foods. Consumers feel that organic vegetables are “tastier”. That’s because since the soil fertility is protected by not using chemicals, and its pH is assured at the right level, along with all the organic materials, wonderful, unique flavours are created. Also, since it is not protected by chemicals, organic plants have to create their own chemical ‘defense”, and these defences accumulate the higher level of flavour chemical and antioxidants. The higher antioxidant level in organic food also enhance the food’s taste, aroma and mouthfeel
Organic products are usually fresher and tastier
- Good food is not only due to the way it is processed, but because you know the source of the ingredients well. When you eat organic products, you know that it is clean food and the time was given to the fruits, vegetables and animals to obtain nutrients it needs, to give it maturity to develop its depth in flavour. Besides it respect nature, the well-being of human, animals and the whole planet, give you peace of mind by choosing organic food! You can chew it and enjoy its sweetness.
The benefits of organic food for the economy and society
In fact, organic product prices are not cheap, which has a lot of influence on your purchase decision. But if you think carefully, using organic food will not be a waste of money, but rather a way to save it.
- Reduce healthcare costs: Using organic products is a way to help you and your family prevents disease, ensures better health protection. When you use organic products, that means you can avoid the likelihood of cancer and other diseases, and that means you’ve spared yourself the potentially enormous cost of health treatment
- Save more when buying directly from a reputable garden or a reputable brand: Buying organic products from the market or shops can be extremely costly; instead, you can directly go to the garden or make a phone call directly from the farm to get a better price. Support the development of organic agriculture, which will help farmers be at peace of mind and help grow the community even more; it gives you better output and you will get better prices.
- Save money by growing vegetables at home: Taking advantage of space at your home is also an effective way for you to self-supply organic products for the family. A way to gain yourself the satisfaction that you can make tasty food with incredible ingredients, while still protect your family’s health and also the planet we’re living in,
- Support the local economy: It is not easy to create an organic environment, so buying organic products from farmers is also about supporting the local community economy. This will create jobs for farmers and keep agriculture going better. In turn,.this will help you in reducing the cost of buying organic food.
Furthermore, as demand for organic food increase and more provider enter this market, prices will become cheaper and cheaper. Soon it will be on the same par as current food.
The benefits of organic food for the economy and society
Organic products allow those who can not grow their food to live this natural organic living. With the above information, hope you have a better overview of the benefits of organic food and bring you peace of mind when making decisions to choose food every day. It may not be so easy in the diversified market today to find true organic food because quality control depends on the willingness of producers and traders, but it starts with you and me. What we demand we will get. For more useful information, please visit us at https://naturalorganicliving.com.au/