Benefits of organic coconut oil and organic turmeric


  Are you wondering what organic coconut oil and organic turmeric are good for you? Keep reading on below.

Benefits of organic coconut oil

Organic coconut oil contains MCFAs (medium-chain fatty acids) which can improve your health in many ways. MCFAs are made up of this three main acid: Caprylic acid, Laurie acid and Capric acid.  Coconut oil is 91% saturation fat the healthy fat that you can add to your diet.

Organic raw, unprocessed/unrefined or extra virgin or pure coconut oil is the best kind to purchase as it is close to nature and have a higher smoke temperature the refine coconut. However, your purpose is only for fatty acid in coconut and not the flavour refine coconut oil is an alternative. However, ensure in the labelling that partially hydrogenate fat is not in the ingredient. This substance is a human-made substance which is not good for you as it is a form of Trans fat. Also, refine coconut bleach and more process then unrefined coconut oil hence the minerals and vitamin are stripped entirely off. For this reasons, unrefined coconut is better for you.  Make sure that your product is certified organic and as the farming practice of the coconut and the extraction of the coconut oil is controlled with no added chemical. It is cleaner and healthier for us.

Organic coconut oil

Organic coconut oil bring the best benefits to your skin care and health

The benefit of coconut is beyond is very extensive. It is a superfood that has many benefit from health to beauty. Here are top nine benefits of Organic Coconut Oil:

 Prevent and improve illness

Coconut oil has many claim in curing or preventing many diseases from cancer to Diabetes type two, arthritis, kidney and liver infection to gum disease, tooth decay and yeast infection. The secret to coconut oil is the saturated fat, specifically Medium-chain fatty acid (MCFAs). MCFAs main component is caprylic acid, lauric acid and capric acid. Lauric acid transforms into monolaurin which has antiviral, antibacterial, and antiprotozoal properties; caprylic acid also has similar features to lauric acid it also has antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal. Capric acid, has antimicrobial benefits protecting your body from infections. This three main component of MCFA is the basis of all diseases mentioned above and more. It helps your digestive system and liver and kidney system the cleaning organ in our body. Therefore a clean body means a healthy body.

Weight loss

MCFA in coconut oil help speeds up our metabolic system. It is a no carb oil which is very beneficial to weight loss, burning fat and calories and also decrease appetite. It is an essential oil for fat loss especially those belly fat. The Journal of Toxicology and Environmental health tell us that an energy experiment with coconut oil and rats indicate that coconut oil burns fat.

Muscle building and reducing fat

As mention above, coconut help burns fat in our body. MCFA is a great muscle builder any supplement has this ingredient in them. By allowing fat to burn it promote the building of muscle.

Hair Care

Coconut oil is great for Dandruff and dry hair. The antifungal and antibacterial component of coconut oil allows the remove of dandruff and the oil nourish the skin and hair.


The medical journal of Food and Function has informed use that coconut oil is perfect for antiaging. Its ability to improve the antioxidant level and slow down ageing. It promotes healthy liver allowing the liver do its work with ease, detoxifying our body, therefore, promoting a healthy body and skin hence a more youthful skin cell.

The saturated fat in organic coconut oil balance hormone, those going through menopause can use coconut to help their estrogen level.

Immune system booster

As mention in the healing section. The antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal effect organic coconut oil promote a healthy immune system. This oil supports the immune system allowing the body to defend itself from harmful outside influences.

Brain health

The Journal of Neurobiology of Aging found that MCFA improves memory problem in the older participant. These participants show sigh of enhancing recall memories. The fatty acid is absorbed more effectively and efficiently without the support of insulin. Hence, the brain can nourish itself effectively

Energy and Endurance

The fatty acid in the coconut supportive digestive system and it is easy to absorb. Hence increasing the metabolic rate and allow the production of longer and sustainable energy.

Skin health

Organic coconut oil can be a skin cleanser, moisturiser and sunscreen. The property of the fatty acid or MCFA (antibacterial, antimicrobial, anti-inflammable, antioxidant and antifungal) in the oil prevent and cure skin problem like acne fungal infection and heal the skin of cell damage. Best of all it is suitable for all skin type.

When choosing coconut, it is advisable to choose organic coconut oil, unrefined coconut oil as today dangerous chemical has not affected it. It what nature has intended for us.

Benefits of organic turmeric

Organic turmeric may be the best nutritional supplement. Many researchers show that organic turmeric has significant benefits for your body and brain. Here are the top 10 health benefits of organic turmeric.

organic tumeric

Organic turmeric and its active ingredients can bring many benefits to the users

Skin Care

Organic turmeric helps keep your skin healthy in many ways. It can protect your skin from pimples by inhibiting the growth of pimple-causing bacteria and reducing the oil secretion by the sebaceous glands. The frequent use of organic turmeric clears acne scars, which helps your skin glowing and flawless. Its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties soothe skin irritation and accelerate the healing of a cut.  Besides, antioxidants which are contained in organic turmeric can fight signs of ageing like wrinkles and pigmentation by curbing the growth of free radicals.

Weight Management

Turmeric is a good way to maintain an ideal body weight. A component present in turmeric can help increase the flow of bile, an essential element in the breakdown of dietary fat. Also, organic turmeric is a good choice for those who want to lose weight or treat obesity and other associated diseases by having one teaspoon of turmeric powder with every meal.

Assists in Relieving Arthritis

One of the most well-known applications of turmeric is as an anti-inflammatory agent. It’s great for treating both rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.  Moreover, antioxidants in turmeric also property destroys free radicals in the body that damage body cells. It’s the reason why organic turmeric is often suggested for the reduction of gout, arthritic pain, and muscle pain following exercise or injury.

Treats Menstrual Issues

If you suffer from bloating, cramping, excessive bleeding, mood swings or severe menstrual discomfort, organic turmeric may be what you’ve been looking after. The anti-inflammatory and soothing nature of the herb’s natural compounds in each organic turmeric product can relieve most symptoms of menstruation.

Heals Wound

Unlike non-organic products, organic turmeric ingredients don’t contain any chemical or pesticide which can cause bad effect to your health; they are the natural antiseptic and antibacterial agents and can be used as the effective disinfectants. If you have a burn or cut, you can sprinkle turmeric powder on the injured area to speed up the healing process.

Prevents Cancer

It seems that the whole world is searching for a cure for cancer, as well they should be, and turmeric is one of the best herbal approaches to the treatment or prevention of various types of cancer. Organic turmeric is a potent antioxidant agent that has been directly linked to a reduction in colon cancer cells and is also a direct inhibitor of a protein that is essential for tumour growth. Many studies have proved that the active components in organic turmeric make it one of the best solutions against radiation-induced tumours. It also protects your health from tumour cells such as colon carcinomas, T-cell leukaemia and breast carcinomas.

Detoxifies the Body

Active organic compounds in turmeric have also been found to reduce the levels of toxicity and improve liver function in the body by ensuring that toxins are removed and stimulating the lymphatic system efficiently. It shows that the antioxidant activities of turmeric are an effective solution for liver ailments or toxicity.

Improves Heart Health

Organic turmeric can also boost your heart health – turmeric and vitamin B6. Vitamin B6 can control the production of homocysteine which is a negative bodily by-product that seriously damages cell walls. Also, organic turmeric directly balances your cholesterol levels by eliminating excess LDL (“bad cholesterol”) from blood vessels and the arteries. It may help prevent atherosclerosis, so organic turmeric can represent a good protector for a wide range of heart issues when combined with stronger blood vessels.

Cognitive Abilities

In traditional medicine, organic turmeric is often used for increasing concentration, boosting cognitive abilities, and boosting memory retention. As a useful antioxidant herb, turmeric can prevent cognitive degradations and stimulate neural activity, which often comes in the form of Alzheimer’s disease. Many studies have confirmed that organic turmeric is highly efficient in clearing out the amyloid plaque, which is a major indication of Alzheimer’s progression.

Treats Depression

The research has also stretched into the effects of organic turmeric on the hormonal balance in the body. Studies have pointed out turmeric has a similar impact as Prozac on patients suffering from anxiety, depression, mood swings, and stress. Making it a powerful alternative to pharmaceutical routes, which often have addictive or dangerous side effects.

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