Australia like the rest of the world is more entangles with organic products than ever before. As the world and Australian are accepting the idea of organic for health, environment, and humanitarian ideals; this organic trend seems to be here to stay. Australian organic market has shown no sign of slowing down.
Australia organic market
As the world is embracing organic food and its product, so to are Australian. With so many information on the harmful effect of conventional farming practices and industrial processing practices. Damages are done to our environment, the inhuman practice, unsustainable usage of material and foremost the damages it creates on our health. It is a no-brainer why many amongst us will seek out for certified organic products. These reasons alone are eco in the Nielsen study where these drivers are the reasons for consumer moving more towards organic products. This study shows that 67% of the consumer is willing to pay double for premium organic for all natural ingredients. This number is impressive, more than half are willing to pay for our health, our environment, and its sustainability.
These sentiments were also express by Andrew Monk CEO of Australian Organic, owner and supporter of Australia Certificated Organic (ACO) group. He added that health is the main reason people seek Organic products or ingredients. The perception of a chemical free, additive free, environmentally friendly, free range and GMO-free as a benefit is a powerful pulling point for the most consumer.
Organic Farming
Australia is currently holding 53% (in 2016) of the world organic managed farms with over 27 million hectares of Australia land cater for organic farming. Andrew and many other organic farmers can see that the demand for organic has surpassed supply. With a 5% increase in certified organic operation between 2015 and 2016 is proof that the organic trend is here to stay. It also shows that the consumer is supporting social issues and welfare.
Organic consumer demand
According to Andrew Monk, two out of three Australian households have brought at least one organic product in 2016. Where 44% of the Australian consumer actively look for certified logos. This show the power of certification and how trusted certification is in Australia market. What interesting is 75% of consumer brought organic products in the supermarket like Coles, woollies, and ALDI? The supermarket usually responds to local demand and want. This sign shows that Australian are demanding more organic products or organic ingredient and supermarket activity responding to this and supporting consumer concern. It is evident that consumer, we as the customer see the benefit of having them in their home and their lives. Australia is not alone in this trend internationally sales for organic products has increased by 17% according to Andrew Monk.
Organic employment
Australian Market report 2017 shows that 35% of the workforce market is made up of the organic segment. This percentage is significate as it shows how big the organic market in Australia and what the consumer is demanding. While the majority of this market is organic meat, dairy products, alcoholic drink, and food ingredients, the Beauty market is also expanding as well.
More and more farmer are entering organic farming due to its demand internationally and nationally.
Organic beauty market
The cosmetic and personal care industry (beauty industry) is a billion-dollar business with this sector continuing to expand in in the future. Within this industry product under organic, sustainable, environmentally friendly and natural cosmetic is also showing a significate growth in a time where the consumer is more education and is aware of the current practice and its damages to not only our environment but our health. Younger people are more informed about contemporary social issues. Hence they are more educated on these social issues and understand their purchasing power with information so easily accessible to everyone, especially young people. They understand what the corporation is doing to their health and the environment. Corporations and companies, business owners, need to tick all the ethical and environmental practice boxes. This is also greatly felt in the beauty and health market. Big brands like Estee Lauder, Kiel’s, Clarins, Channel, Clinique, Covergirl and many more are providing and producing an organic range for its’ consumers.
Organic, Natural beauty Marketing is expanding with many brands investing in this area
Organic Market Future
Grand View, Research and Persistence Market Research, have seen the number and growth in the beauty market on organic, natural and chemical free products. Both have predicted significant growth in this sector. Grand View Research has stated that by 2020 this market will reach 15.98bn, while Persistence Market researcher has forecasted by 2024 growth will reach 22bn, with a 9-10% growth. This significant growth indicated a demand for organic not only in the food market where significant growth is but on other markets like the beauty market as well.
Corporate trends
Corporations are seeing the need for a more sustainable process of production and farming method as a benefit not only their profit but society as well. It goes to say that being green is profitable. Doing the right thing by the community and the environment is profitable and lucrative. This is a powerful message to all business around the world. With social media as it is today company can no longer ignore the damage they do to the environment, nor can they ignore society concern for environmentally friendly products, and healthier chemical free product. With the community like what we are today conscious of the world and people around us, corporation and business must shape up, or their profit is on the line. What is so amazing is the power is on the hand of the consumer. There is a choice we make when we buy goods from the supermarket or department store, which can be one that aids our health, protect our environment and is sustainable versus one that is damaging to our health, environment and is not sustainable. The power is really in on every individual hand. It is empowering to know that you can make a difference you can do what you can to make this difference in choice. It understandable that everyone is in a different place from the next, financial, knowledge and drive. Whatever you can do, it may be changing one item like washing detergent that is environmentally friendly or buying organic oil or fruits and vegetables. Whatever big or little you do it still contributes to the environment and your health.
The consumer is the driver for organic growth
Australia current and future position
Australia like most of the world is moving towards this environment where we take charge of the current health and environment. We can see this in the numbers, growth in organic farming, organic sales and major supermarket and department store servicing this need. Andrew Monk know this best as he has seen the growth and numbers. Farmers can even see this. Their hard work is acknowledged as their sale and profit growth.
It is evident that Australian organic is here to stay, with predicted growth, especially in the industry and beauty industry. This is all thanks to you the consumer that make this happen with your demand for change in practice organisation have not to follow. The result is a reflection of consumer embracing an old yet new way of life working in harmony with our environment, our earth and our universe as we are all connected from the soil that brings life to our food to our body absorbing its nutrients. Hence we need to look after ourselves, all of us from the sea to the sky that waters our soil that grows our food and shines its’ light and hence nutrient to our food and body.
To read more on the Natural organic way of life, please go to our website www.naturalorganic living.com.au to discover more on this topic and more.
[…] them “organic” to distinguish them from the common agricultural form at that time. The trend and potential of the organic food market have proven that. If you want to live a sustainable […]