We all experience acne mild or severe. It is not the pleasant thing. Especially for those who suffer long-term acne, your self-esteem, questing our natural beauty or lack of that. It is a negative questing time of your life as a teen or young adult. Unfortunately, acne can still occur during adulthood. It can be trigger through hormonal changes, stress, habits and the environment.
Acne in adults is one of the most frustrating things to solve. To begin, it’s better if you have some basic knowledge to help you better understand it, so you can have an easier time treating it.
Acne in adults is more common than you might think
Research shows that more than 50% of people in their 20s and 25% in their thirties get acne. You are not lonely!
The most common acne is around the chin, mouth and teeth
Acne tends to occur in the T-zone (forehead, nose and chin), but adult acne is almost like a beard, which appears on the lower part of your face
Men’s hormones are the problem
Androgens, which are men’s hormones found in both men and women, are a huge contributing factor to acne’s presence. With hormone acne, the androgen levels may increase or even normal, but in both cases it overpowers the glands, thus causing acne.
Pain, neck swelling is normal
If you have sensitive skin, acne tends to create deep and painful blisters than normal. It is important to remember not to squeeze these pimples, as these are the most likely acne to leave a deep scar.
Acne can become a permanent problem that only gets worse in adulthood, affecting your natural beauty
On-site treatment may not always work well
In some cases, acne can be quite resistant to local treatments. That’s because the problem comes from within the body, not from what’s happening on the surface. In cases where acne does not respond to cream or cleanser, it is best to seek professional medical advice.
You can check your hormone levels
Endocrine testing can be performed to specifically test any hormonal imbalance that can cause acne. Doctors will be able to offer a more targeted treatment. This can be especially helpful for people with moderate to severe acne and other hormone-related problems, such as weight gain and hair growth.
Polycystic ovary syndrome is a common cause
If you are experiencing acne along with facial and body growth, abnormalities and have difficulty controlling weight, polycystic ovary syndrome may be the cause. PCOS is a hormonal imbalance that usually causes small cysts to grow in your ovaries. Also, it also causes a variety of other hormone-related problems. If you have occurring symptoms mentioned, then it is time for you to go to the doctor.
Oral contraceptives can help regulate your hormones
A common way to control hormones and to clear up acne is to take medicine. By controlling your reproduction, you are lowering the levels of testosterone in your body, which is what usually causes oil production and causes acne. By lowering these levels, the amount of acne is usually reduced, or even decreases dramatically
If all of these causes are not acne, then that may be what you are eating
Acne is not dangerous but aesthetic affects the psychological, and it can damage your natural beauty so to prevent it you need thoroughly treatment methods. So what is the best acne treatment for you? There are some super-effective, easy-to-implement home remedies for acne that you can try to regain your natural beauty.
How to treat acne at home with lemon:
In addition to providing vitamin C to the body, lemon also acts to clean the bacteria, nourish the skin and especially is an effective acne treatment. The simplest way is as follows:
Reducing acne on the face with fresh lemon
+ Use half a lemon, squeeze the juice out of a small cup.
+ Apply lemon juice directly to the acne spot on the skin.
+ Let it dry overnight, the next morning you will see the redness swelling.
However, acne treatment at home is only suitable for acne-prone skin and reduces the swelling of acne vulgaris.
Note: Lemon acne is prone to thin skin, skin abrasion makes the skin susceptible to dryness and sunburn and blackening. So if you choose to treat acne with lemon, it is important to use sunscreen and moisturise the skin well
How to cure acne with honey
With a multitude of vitamins and amino acids that help kill and inhibit the growth of acne bacteria as well as deep cleansing, effective antioxidants; Honey is a popular remedy for acne. What you need to do:
+ Prepare 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 tablespoon of sugar-free yoghurt.
+ Mix well
+ Cleanse your face and apply the mixture on acne skin
+ Wait until the mask is dry, rinse the face with cold water to close the pores.
Honey a multitude of vitamins and amino acids that help kill and inhibit the growth of acne bacteria
Simple acne treatment with chicken eggs:
Egg whites have better control over the amount of oil secreted on the skin, controlling bacteria and dirt causing acne so it can help improve acne on the skin. With just one chicken egg you can completely get rid of acne easily
How to treat acne chicken eggs:
+ Separate egg white and apply to the area of acne.
+ Wait for it to dry, then apply again and then rinse with warm water.
Fastest acne treatment with pumpkin
Pumpkin is a good nutritional food for the skin because it contains antioxidants that are good for treating acne. Besides, daily masking with pumpkin also removes dirt and other environmental pollutants that help clear the pores – one of the causes of acne.
+ With acne treatment with pumpkin you can use 5 tablespoons steamed and puree pumpkin,
+ Combine with 1 chicken egg and fresh milk to get a smooth mixture.
+ Apply this mixture over your face for 30 minutes and then rinse with clean water
+ Apply regularly to completely fight off acne.
Pumpkin is a good nutritional food for the skin because it contains antioxidants that are good for acne
Treat acne effectively with aloe vera
Aloe vera helps remove toxins effectively, reduce acne and dark circles, and even some diseases such as hepatitis. Also, aloe vera also helps skin to nourish three layers of skin cells with 12 types of vitamins, 29 minerals, amino acids. Its enzymes thereby provide effective acne treatment for healthy skin.
+ With acne treatment at home with aloe vera, you first need to cut a pair of fresh aloe vera leaves to get the gel.
Then apply this gel directly on the acne spot on the skin. Let it stay on your face for 20 minutes then rinse with cold water.
+ Apply this acne treatment twice a day for at least a week to get rid of nasty acne.
Also, you can add a few drops of lemon juice to mix with aloe vera, then use this mixture as a mask every night before bed.
To get rid of acne, have natural beauty with a beautiful skin you should try to implement good, healthy habits such as the following:
- Wash your face several times a day, after waking up or after working out as the skin is releasing a lot of mucus which will lead to the accumulation of dirt and bacteria.
- Do not smoke. Nicotine in cigarettes has a very bad effect on health, reduces the ability of the skin to absorb oxygen, reduce skin elasticity, darken your skin. Smoking cigarettes are not only harmful to oneself but also harmful to people around you.
- Limit spicy foods, high-fat foods: one of the biggest factors causing acne, spicy and fatty foods slow down the absorption of substances in the body, lead to the accumulation of toxins causing acne.
- Be very careful arbitrary cosmetics such as creams, makeup powder. Some types of cosmetics can clog pores, leading to acne formation. You should consult the experts in choosing cosmetics that suit your skin type.
Wash your face several times a day, after waking up or tired working to prevent acne
- Stop stressing yourself out and staying up late: The habit of staying up late promotes the body to produce androgen hormones that cause acne. Keeping yourself stressed is also not ideal since stress creates cortisol and steroids that stimulate the sebaceous glands to function.
- Do not use your hands to wipe off perspiration: The habit of touching your face to wipe off sweat will cause bacteria to attack the skin causing infections and acne.
Nowadays, many people suffer from acne, but most do not know what to do or what to take quickly to get rid of acne and eliminate them from the root. There are thousands of oral and topical acne medications on the market today. But acne sufferers often do not know what is the best-suited products for them and whether there are side effects or poor quality products. Acne cream contains a lot of chemicals, so the more of it you use, the more likely that you’ll get unwanted side effects.
Acne problem a lot of the time comes from daily living habits and eating habits of each person. The drug only works to detox and reduce acne, but no medicine can cure permanent acne. Therefore applying healthy living habits and pay attention to what you eat is keys to treat acne and protect your natural beauty. To know more about how to reduce acne, visit us at https://naturalorganicliving.com.au/