101 low down of organic makeup


There is a growing trend in organic food, clothes, makeup and product. Organic is becoming more and more relevant in today market. In this writing, we will explore and investigate what makes organic makeup and why is it becoming more and more popular.

Using organic makeup is the new trend to makeup that is used widely by women. So, what is organic makeup and what to look for in organic makeup? Let discover and investigate an organic make, more deeply with Natural Organic Living to us make the right decision for ourselves.

Organic makeup – nature beauty

What is organic makeup?

In the recent year, there is more and more concern about beauty and health and how organic makeup fall into this area. When choosing cosmetic, we tended to focus more on clear, clean and fresh products. Therefore, organic cosmetics with its features such as harmony with nature, not toxic, environmentally friendly are increasingly gaining the trust even the most problematic customers.

However, a product that meets “clean” standards has to go through a complicated process and checks, where is it both time-consuming, labour-intensive, and money-hindering. If the manufacturer changes ingredients, there may have to experience with another test in the future. Therefore, organic cosmetics which are certified are not popular or encourage in the market today.

To make up and use perfectly organic cosmetic, we should understand what organic makeup is, first. Organic cosmetic is also called certified organic cosmetic in the beauty industry which can include more than 70% nature ingredient. This material has to contain agriculture sources and is certified organic characteristic by global beauty standard.

ADAWR– The Australian Department of Agriculture and Water Resources is considered the most strict checking department in the world about organic cosmetic. This standard usually practised in many agriculture farms when they grow and take care of organic raw material. According to ADAWR standard, certified organic products have to controlled and produce via traditional methods, biological and industrial priority for recycling, promoting ecological balance and preserving the diversity of the environment. Organic fertiliser, sewer waste, radiation and genetic engineering may not be used in beauty organic produce processing.

What is organic makeup?

There are four main types of organic certification that ADAWR grants:

– 100% organic.

– Organic products containing at least 95% organic ingredients.

– Products were made with organic ingredients with no lower than 70% organic ingredients.

– Contain organic ingredients with 70% organic or less

Only the first two types are labelled by ADAWR Organic Seal.

In France, ECOCERT is an authorised organic distributor of cosmetics in nearly 85 countries around the world. In Canada, Québec Vrai and Certech are companies which have the power to control and give certification for healthy body care products. Currently, Certech’s IOS 2008 certification is a recognised standard checking in the North American market. Meanwhile, ICEA is the licensing authority for products in Italy, and other European countries and Indocert does this audit for products in India and worldwide.

How to know organic makeup

How can we recognise organic makeup products?

To recognise a product is organic makeup good or not, we should follow and see in many factors including external and internal aspects.

Firstly, let care about cover appearance with label and company’s name.

If this product contains one of certification from ACO(Australia Certified Organic), ECOCERT, California Organic, and ICEA organisation, which shows that the product meets organic standards set by an association, you can believe and use it to makeup. However, let check again to ensure that this commodity is good enough for your skin.

  1. Look carefully at the list of ingredients on certification cover and product packaging. Typically, an organic ingredient will always have the word “organic” before it. For example, the name of the aloe vera ingredient will be written as “organic aloe vera” instead of “aloe vera”.
  2. One more basic point to identify organic products is that organic products avoid the use of six types of chemicals. This chemical can be harmful to your health and the environment that are derived from petroleum, including Vaseline; isopropyl alcohol (isopropanol); methyl alcohol (methanol); butyl alcohol (butanol); ethyl alcohol (ethanol); sodium laureth/ lauryl sulphate and related material. These compound consist of sodium lauryl ether sulphate, sodium laureth sulphate, sodium lauryl ether sulphate; propylene glycol, polyethene glycol; formaldehyde; paraben; and artificial colour; artificial odour.

How is organic makeup important with your skincare?

There are many people who doubt that whether organic makeup products is necessary or not. However, according to many types of research in the world, we must recognise that makeup by organic cosmetic is an essential beauty way for women skin care.

Here are some reasons why we should only use organic cosmetic to makeup daily:


Usually based on a host of many chemicals to produce, conventional beauty commodity utilise petroleum-based ingredients. We all know that makeup is the main and normal work that all ladies did daily, unsafe cosmetic will destroy our natural beauty day by day. As a result, it is not good for your health and skin in the long run for using.

In contrast, choosing products which are made with safe ingredients, natural and clean is another way to protect your health and skin every day.

According to NBC News in the recent report, Johnson & Johnson was ordered to pay $72M of damages to the family of a woman whose death from ovarian cancer was linked to her use of unsafe cosmetic. But this isn’t the only instance of a personal care products company being called out for harmful ingredients. In fact, with so many carcinogenic ingredients found in beauty products, it’s dawning on women how imperative it is to pay attention to what we buy.

No harsh chemicals

The chemicals in conventional makeup are usually harsh with skin and may promote skin effects by chemicals. Importantly, there are many of the substances which are used in non-organic makeup products are poisonous to your body and skin when used in the long term.

The organic product should not cause you to harm due to the ingredients in the product. With natural ingredients, we believe that these products will protect and aid you from dangerous chemicals.

Natural fragrance

Many people shop with their nose when it comes to personal care products, similarly to the way most people “eat with their eyes” before actually placing any of the food into their mouths. The two human senses will usually help determine a product’s worthiness in the minds of consumers. Scents in the majority of beauty products consist of a mixture of chemicals, and these chemicals can be inhaled throughout the day by people who wear such beauty products.


Your skin can absorb certain compounds; however, a protective barrier can keep dangerous compounds, to some degree, out of the body. Even then, research still concludes that personal care products, when applied topically, can damage bodily systems and lead to untold health consequences. One of the key rules for makeup, and any beauty product is basic and straightforward: if you can’t eat it, don’t wear it.

Protection from Premature Aging

Makeup made with natural minerals provides a certain level of sun protection. The skin on the face is thinner and more susceptible to UV-related skin ageing, so choosing a mineral-rich, organic cosmetic product may help support healthy, youthful-looking skin. Many organic products also provide antioxidants like vitamin C, which has been demonstrated to provide sun-shielding benefits. Choosing the right makeup is especially crucial during the summer months when the sun is at its strongest.

Organic makeup – cosmetic for health

Differing views about organic makeup

When somebody believes that only organic makeup can protect skin healthy, however, there are still advocates of synthetic compounds, who think that not all natural and organic products are good for you.

In some case, with particular skin, organic makeup ingredients maybe not suitable to use the long run. Of course, everything has its every two sides; organic makeup products is not an exception. However, if you can control, use and understand, about your products, this should never happen.

Here are some notes for you to find the best one to care your skin

Know your products

Know and understand your product, and your skin also is the best way to use cosmetic effectively. Let try to know about all ingredients inside this product and analyse whether it is good and suitable for your skin.

Do your researches

Research by yourself about what you will use in the future with your skin will be the answer to find the best one. You can find product and brand information via experience sharing websites or ask somebody who had used this product. Let sure that you understand before deciding to buy anything relating to health and beauty.

Check certification carefully

Certification is one of the most evidence for you to check whether this product is natural or not. There are some organisations cares about this certification that you can put the trust such as COSMOS, NSF, Soil Association, BioGro, Ecocert, OFC< BDIH< Cosmebio, ICEA, Natural Products Association, USDA organic,…

However, it doesn’t mean that certification is all. Certification can be copied easy. So, the most important thing is that you should take care and think carefully about what and how to do these special products.

Why should we choose organic makeup products

Organic makeup, come from cosmetic ingredients, depend on many things to decide whether we should use or not. Let think and opt for your skin the best organic makeup products for yourself.



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