Don’t you hate it when you are going to go out on the weekend and this big humongous pimple pop up in the middle of nowhere? Acne is that an unwanted guest who crash your party. Just when you see an improvement in your skin there is light under the tunnel a new set of pimples introduce itself. “When is my break”, you scream. There is light in the tunnel. A safe and natural lights. Nature has given us many natural skin care products for us to control and prevent acne or pimples. These natural skin care products or ingredients not only is natural and easy to find they do wonders to your skin.
We have all had at least one pimple in our lifetime. When you have acne, it means that your body is unbalanced. The cause may be from lack of sleep, being tired, worry, stressful, change of hormone, whether or allergy. Most of us tried to cover the acne up. It can be a temporary solution but there has to be a long-term solution to this problem. depending on the severity of you pimples many choose chemical and modern medicine to treat these acnes. Unfortunately, which chemical there has been some side effect either long term or short term that we may not know about. Hence natural skin care is the best choice for all.
To combat acne and make sure you have control over it, the best solution for you is without a doubt natural skin care. Natural methods and products can help you treat acne from the source, then aid to restore your skin and prevent acne from coming back. And it is gentle and safe for your skin and won’t cause any allergy or side effects.
Let’s find out about the 10 best natural skin care remedies for your acne!
Aloe Vera
It is known as one of the most helpful and awesome plants for natural skin care, thanks to a plenty of its virtues. And the most famous ability of aloe vera is it can fight against acne bacteria perfectly. In details, the antibacterial properties found in Aloe Vera gel makes it work effectively in treating acne and reducing the redness on your face. It contributes to stop bacteria infecting acne wound and motivate the healing progress faster. Moreover, with the presence of magnesium lactate, Aloe Vera is also helpful for smoothing and treating sunburns, makes your skin lighter and softer. Last but not least, thanks to the tighten pores virtue, Aloe Vera doesn’t give any chance for excess oil and dirt to stay on your face and lead to acne breakout, bacterial infection and blackheads.
Generally, Aloe Vera not only helps to prevent your skin from getting acne but also give your skin a better chance of recovery from skin problems. You should use the gel of Aloe Vera to put it on your face, let it stay for 15 – 20 minutes, and then wash with warm water. Repeat this remedy at least 3 – 4 times per week to gain the best result. One more tip for you, honey and cinnamon will be the best companions for Aloe Vera. Mix them together and you will have the most wonderful mask for your skin.
Let’s Aloe Vera be a good friend of your acne skin.
Honey is the greatest gift that nature has given us. It is a wonderful remedy for not only health but also natural skin care. Honey contains full of antioxidants (flavonoids), Vitamin and Acid amino which help to eliminate the acne-causing bacteria, stop the growth of bacteria, deeply clear pores and lower the oxidant of facial skin. Moreover, it also has anti-inflammation properties that help to prevent the swelling and redness which can come from acne on your face. Furthermore, honey applies an antiseptic to a fully developed pimple or whitehead. From this, honey can stop the infection in your pores from getting worse. It also contributes to heal the wound from acne faster and protect your skin from acne scars.
To use honey, you should put it on your acne, don’t wash your face and keep it on until the next morning. Using this wonderful remedy every night, before sleeping to see the difference.
Get more beautiful with honey.
This is a popular ingredient that you can find everywhere. Lemon is not only cheap but also so effective in treating acne. It is thought of as the miracle cure for acne. The l-ascorbic acid which is found in lemon has the ability to tighten your poses and dry acne. Citric acid acts as an antiseptic, helps to kill the acne-causing bacteria and protect your skin from the growth of acne. Because it is so difficult for bacteria to grow in an acid environment, lemon can help to reduce the number of bacteria that are living inside or on the top of your skin. Moreover, it is also can help to reduce the redness.
You can put lemon juice on your acne by using a cotton pad for 15 minutes and then wash with warm water. Do this at least once per day. That way your acne problem will be improved remarkably.
Use lemon as a wonderful treatment for your acne.
Coconut oil
Coconut oil is one of the most popular essential oil for natural skin care. And acne treatment is one of its best benefits. Lauric and capric acid found in coconut oil work as antiseptic, anti-inflammation, kill harmful bacteria and protects your skin from pores inflecting. Especially, the rich source of Vitamin E in coconut oil is a strong antioxidant which can help to moisturise, heal the skin and can prevent scars.
To battle acne with coconut oil, you can massage your face with coconut oil lightly. 20 minutes later, wash your face with warm water and cleanser to lighten your pores. You should do it at least 3 times per week to see the improvement of your skin.
Natural skin care you should notice on: Coconut oil.
It is not only a great spice but also a host of medicinal properties. Thanks to the antiseptic, anti-inflammation qualities, turmeric is believed to be one of the most effective methods to treat acne. Turmeric helps to kill harmful bacteria causing acne, stop the growth of bacteria in your pores and protect your skin from acne. It also is a great cure for most infections because of its antimicrobial properties. Turmeric also helps to remove excess oil, clean the skin, and tighten your pores. Besides, it is an excellent antioxidant, helping skin to heal faster, reduce redness and prevent acne scars.
Get better with turmeric.
Ice helps to improve the blood circulation under the acne skin, freezing the part of skin which has blocked pores. From this, it eliminates the excess oil and dirt on your face. Besides, ice also helps to reduce inflammation and pain which come from acne. But you should know that placing ice directly on the skin is not recommended. If you do that, ice can stick to the skin can cause a cold burn, which can aggravate your acne situation. Instead of placing ice on the skin, you should create a compress and let the ice melt. Hold the ice for a few minutes and wash with cool water. Let’s follow this so you can say goodbye to acne as soon as possible.
Say goodbye to acne with ice.
Apple cider vinegar
Using apple cider vinegar is one of the most favourite therapies in natural skin care and especially in treating acne. Because of its anti-inflammation power, it kills all harmful bacteria at the first encounter and prevents acne from spread out. In details, apple cider vinegar contains many helpful acids such as acetic, lactic, citric and succinic acids, they are really helpful for eliminate acne-causing bacteria and contribute to reducing the growth of acne.
All you need to do is mix 2 spoons of apple cider vinegar with water, then put it on your face by using a cotton pad, keep it for about 15 minutes and then wash with water. Repeat this progress 3 times per day to have the best result.
Using apple cider vinegar to treat acne.
Sleep well
Stay up late can make you feel out of energy at the next morning and increase the risk of growing acne. Because when you sleep, cells division rates increase and the skin heal damage from the day while cortisol level decrease. If you don’t get enough sleep, it can create a cascade of various hormonal mechanisms that can make you get acne or worsen your acne problem. Sleep early and enough 8 hours per night not only help you to be healthier but will also protect you from acne.
Following a healthy eating routine
Food is extremely important as how health we are inside come out on our skin. Eating high fibre, fresh vegetable and meats are important. The key here is not to eat too much process food. A study from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has shown a correlation between the level of glycemic index food link to acne. Eating a low glycemic index diet help reduce acne. High glycemic food is processed foods like process grain or flour and refines food eg sugar. While a low glycemic food is whole plant food and meats. Therefore eating the right food is important to your skin in this case acne.
Eating natural whole food is best for your skin
You should have your own healthy eating routine to decrease the chance of growing acne. As you know, spicy, fast, and certain foods are not good for your health because it has no nutrient and can even cause imbalances in your body’s various mechanisms. Eating too much meat or fish is also not good. On the other hand, vegetable and fruits contain much Vitamin and fibre, good for your skin and body function.
Exercise regularly
This is not only a natural skin care method to help you be healthier but also make you relax and decrease any stress, worry about life. And we all know that acne comes when you are under stress and is constantly tired. Decreasing stress levels can stop your acne situation. So, no matter how busy you are, let’s take a little time each day to exercise relax and rest to protect your health.
While these ten remedies are great for combating visible acne it is important to mention other supplements that have shown to help with acne. There is two main supplement that has gain recognition for their acne outbreak.
Probiotic is one supplement that is gaining attention to help prevent and fight acne. live probiotic support healthy digestion and immune system function leading to better skin health. A study by the Dermatology Online Journal looking at the connection with probiotic and acne have shown that eat probiotic food and supplement do reduce acne and there is potential in using this substance as a treatment for acne.
Another supplement that proves to reduce acne is guggul or guggulsterone. The Department of Dermatology, C.G.H.S in India research on the guggul supplement intake for three months to see its effect on acne. The result shows, by taking this supplement twice a day, acne has clearly reduced, 50% has reduced with few relapses. What interesting is those with oily skin type the supplement see to respond more favourable than others?
There are so many causes of acne. Some you can’t control, but other you can and prevent or solve it effectively. Choosing natural skin care method is the way to control these causes and effects of acne on your health and beauty. Natural skin care is cheap, safe and can help you get rid of acne for good. To get more information about natural skin care, have a look at our website: https://naturalorganicliving.com.au/