10 skin whitening natural skin care products


Getting a bright, white, smooth skin is as easy as looking into your kitchen for natural skin care products. Here are ten natural skin care recipes for your natural skin care routine to help you quickly improve your skin for confidence. The skin care homemade receipt below is simple and effective.

Fresh milk

Topping this list for the best foods for the skin is fresh milk. Fresh milk is rich in nutrients such as protein, lipids, vitamins and minerals that will help keep the skin healthy against the harmful effects of the environment. There are many methods for a milk mask, but the simplest one is, applying fresh milk (milk without sugar) on your face, massage gently until the milk dry. Then rinse with warm water. Do this every day, and you will see your skin becoming naturally, whiter and brighter.


Honey, not only provides moisture but also heals damaged skin, which will be indispensable for improving dry skin. Mixed in egg white, honey and lemon together and then apply it on the face. Leave for 30 minutes and rinse with warm water. With the leftover, you can use it for the next day. Use frequently, and within a week, you will see your skin becoming smoother and much brighter.

10 cách giúp làm da sáng đẹp nhanh chóng từ thiên nhiên


Using a Thai cucumber or any cucumber, slice into thin slices then apply on the face, leave for about 15 minutes, Do this 2-3 times per week you will feel the skin becoming more smoother and lighten up every time you use it. Cucumber is very effective in curing blackheads, bruises, and eyebrows.

10 cách giúp làm da sáng đẹp nhanh chóng từ thiên nhiên


Boil a potato, then mash it out until smooth. Mix with sugar-free fresh milk and add a little honey to make a pasty mixture. Apply this mixture to your skin, keep the mask on for 20 minutes. Rinse it off with lukewarm water. This mask will help your skin become smooth, with a healthy bright glow.

10 cách giúp làm da sáng đẹp nhanh chóng từ thiên nhiên


Lemon contains a lot of vitamin C – an important anti-ageing compound, prevent melasma, remove melanin and skin freckles. The natural acid in lemon allows it to brighten and lighten your skin. So many types of cosmetics for whitening and brightening claim uses this extract from this fruit.

In addition to combining with milk or eggs to create a facial mask, you can use lemon in replacing the cleansing mask. Mix a mixture of lemon juice and some alum, stir until dissolved. Then use a cotton pad to absorb this solution and then gently wipe your face. Let it sit for about 20 minutes and then rinse with lukewarm water.

10 cách giúp làm da sáng đẹp nhanh chóng từ thiên nhiên


Papaya is rich in essential vitamins for a smooth complexion. Contains papain – a top bleacher so you can brighten your face. Grinding papaya, add a spoonful of almond oil then apply on the face, leave it for 15 minutes and then rinse with warm water.

10 cách giúp làm da sáng đẹp nhanh chóng từ thiên nhiên

Bean roots

Bean Roots contain pachyrhizone, rotenone, vitamin B1 and vitamin C. also; they also contain 80-90% of water. Hence this bean roots mask is very moisturising to your skin as well as smooth out your skin. This masks will also improve your dull skin and brighten it up.

Grind beans roots for water and then use cotton wool to apply to your skin or simply sliced the roots and place directly onto your skin, leave it for 15 minutes, then rinse with cold water.

10 cách giúp làm da sáng đẹp nhanh chóng từ thiên nhiên


Tomatoes contain vitamins C, E, vitamin K and carotene, potassium, iron … are all good for your skin. It has high levels of antioxidants in tomatoes also help to fight off ageing.

You can slice the tomatoes into a thin layer, place them onto your face or juice the tomatoes, mixed with royal jelly then apply the mixture to your skin, leave for about 20 minutes and then rinse with warm water.

10 cách giúp làm da sáng đẹp nhanh chóng từ thiên nhiên


The secretion of ripe bananas makes the skin cells in the face expand, helping to smooth out the skin. Mash a banana and add a few drops of vitamin E, apply the mixture to your face and relax for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with lukewarm water and you will feel a much healthier and more refreshed skin.

10 cách giúp làm da sáng đẹp nhanh chóng từ thiên nhiên

Coconut oil

Coconut oil is a cheap and extremely effective natural remedy for beauty. Since ancient times, coconut oil has been used to help soften skin and prevent and fade stretch marks, anti-ageing, care and skin protection.

Coconut oil contains about 50% lauric acid – the antifungal, bacterial and viral properties – coconut oil helps to heal and restore damaged areas. So, it is good for acne, inflammation, eczema, etc.. Apply coconut oil on the face for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with lukewarm water for healthy glowing skin.

10 cách giúp làm da sáng đẹp nhanh chóng từ thiên nhiên

All these masks are great working external use. However, being healthy and eating the right natural food is very important for your overall health and skin. As we all know, beautiful skin and a healthy body start from what you eat or drink. So drink lots and lots of water, eat natural organic food as a first choice. Stay healthy and stay beautiful.

Wishing you a day of perfection, with your new bright, smooth, healthy glowing skin. Make sure you pass on these natural skin care tips with your friends.



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