Throughout history, organic food was fermented to preserve food; our culture like the Chinese and Greek use fermented food as a natural medicine to treat various illness. In recent years fermented food health benefit has come to light and are becoming popular after understanding its health benefits. As beneficial bacteria and other microorganisms have been proven to transform food substrates and make the food tasty and nutritious, they are put to work to create fermented foods with delicious flavour. Aside from that, there are many other reasons to seek out fermented foods, which have been studied by scientists all over the world. This post will help you understand what fermented foods are, the benefits of fermented foods for our natural health in general as well as some specific ones you should try.
Fermented foods have been made and eaten for many years, from Kimchi in Korean to Beet Kvass in Russia and everywhere. Fermenting foods is a way of preserving foods, are carried out by our ancestors in the past. For instance, there is evidence of cultured milk products being made as foods as long ago as 10000 B.C., And among these milk products, yoghurt is the most common product all over the world. These days, as many studies have shown the positive effects of fermented foods on natural health, fermented foods can reappear in our meals.
You might easily recognise the sour or tangy taste in fermented foods as it is produced by lactic acid. However, the taste of different fermented foods is not the same at all. This means that you can distinguish the flavour of one dish from another, but all of them are worth being tried at least once.
What are fermented foods?
Fermented foods are the ones that are put under the process of lactofermentation so that natural bacteria feed on sugar and starch creating lactic acid. Food is exposed to bacteria and yeast, which can be through culture or natural conditions in the air. The result is interesting in term of taste and texture. The process can preserve foods because when the pH is just enough (about pH 4), these foods will be preserved for a long time. It also creates beneficial enzymes, vitamins, Omega-3 fatty acids and natural probiotics, which have been shown to enhance overall health.
Microorganisms, bacteria, and yeasts in fermented foods form the intestinal microflora, which facilitates the digestion of the intestinal tract, synthesising certain vitamins (vitamins B and K) and increasing the body’s resistance. Recent studies have shown that many diseases, such as neurological disorders, depression, Alzheimer’s disease, autism, obesity, etc., can be regulated by these organisms.
Fermented foods are known as the natural probiotics
Why is fermented food not another form of food?
The fact is that raw foods or even cooked foods can be difficult to digest, while fermented foods are much easier on our intestinal tract
Traditional fermented foods like cabbage pickles are full of beneficial bacteria that can prevent the overgrowth of bacteria in the intestines to relieve symptoms of gas, constipation, diarrhoea and heartburn. You can’t get these kinds of useful substances if you eat foods in normal form.
For similar reasons, adults often avoid plants that are difficult to digest because they lack the necessary force, as well as the beneficial bacteria to break down plant fibres. This stimulates the normal bacteria in the gut to develop excessively and cause uncomfortable symptoms. Signs of overgrowth of bacteria include:
- Abdominal pain and flatulence
- Constipation
- Heartburn
- Diarrhoea
Although many of us often eat raw vegetables because they think they will have more nutrients for natural health, in reality, vegetables are harder to digest than fermented vegetables because the enzymes in fermented foods remain intact, these enzymes help break down food into usable ingredients. Another fact is that the body can access many of the precious nutrients available in plants when they are fermented.
Usually, children will be more suitable for fermented foods than adults. Naturally fermented foods enhance the digestive tract of the baby and aid in decomposing food faster.
Benefits of fermented foods for natural health
Supplement natural probiotics
One of the top benefits that fermented foods like kimchi, pickled cabbage, salt pickles, etc. are for our natural health to help with high levels of probiotics. Probiotics are beneficial bacteria or yeast support, restoring balance in the intestines. They stimulate the digestive system to work and support immunity for the body. Having fermented foods and drinks like Kombucha, Kimchi and Kefir, especially if they are organic foods, is an effective way to put beneficial bacteria into the digestive system.
One of the top benefits that fermented foods like kimchi, pickled cabbage, salt pickles, etc. bring to your body is to help with high levels of probiotics
Enzyme supplementation
Enzymes’ is an essential protein in the body that supports chemical and biological reactions. Fermented foods like kimchi are extremely rich in enzymes, and they help to enhance digestion, you will feel less uncomfortable, tummy binge after eating. And as fermented foods create a balance of gut bacteria and the plenty of enzymes, you absorb more nutrition from foods. Therefore, you will not have to add supplements and vitamins into your diet, and your body will get more live nutrition.
Fermented foods contain high levels of natural probiotics and beneficial bacteria that help the digestive system and resolve intestinal problems. People with IBS irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn’s disease (a type of bowel disease), digestive disorders and some related diseases can improve the situation by consuming regular fermented products. If you are regularly constipated, you can add fermented foods to your diet.
Helps reduce inflammation
When you eat poorly cooked foods, your body will face some inflammation, usually in the intestines. Supplementing fermented foods helps reduce inflammation, helping to improve your overall natural health.
Improve immune system
The activity of the intestinal tract is linked to immunity and the invasion of disease into the body. Enriched yeast-rich fermented foods, bio-preparations can help prevent diseases. If your immune system is not in good state, or if you get sick every time there is a change of weather, try adding fermented foods like kimchi, kephir, yoghurt, and pickles to your diet. You will soon notice your body become much less vulnerable.
Note: The fermented foods are mainly sour taste, so patients with gastric ulcer, esophagitis should limit the consumption of these foods, eat in moderation, not too often because it can causing more stomach ulcers.
Fermented foods that your gut should make friend with to enhance natural health
Fermented foods often contain lots of nutrients that are very beneficial for the body and natural health, so you should add the following foods to your daily diet to aid in improving your health.
Yoghurt is a milk product that is so familiar to you, but do you know that it is a fermented food? Yoghurt is made by adding beneficial bacteria into milk by heating it. The lactic acid which is produced by the bacteria thickens up the milk and makes it become your favourite drink.
Eating yoghurt daily is linked to the improvement in the quality of the overall diet. It also helps boost many aspects of your natural health as it is loaded with essential nutrients such as calcium, B vitamins and magnesium. Besides, yoghurt is high in protein. Yoghurt intake strengthens your immunity system.
And when buying yoghurt from a grocery store, make sure to check for the ones which are made from organic food and with label “live active cultures.”
Yoghurt is loaded with important nutrients
Not all cheeses are fermented. For fermented foods, the bacteria are added to make sour cream or milk. Once the curd and whey are separated, the cheese is solidified and cultured with special moulds to form a characteristic cheese (such as green cheese) and tossed yeast (ripen) again Fermented cheeses have many benefits, especially the diversity of the microorganisms which are proven to help fight with infection and diseases. Probiotics contained in these cheeses support to heal digestive issues, neurological disorder and mental health problems.
Cheese is made with milk that doesn’t go through pasteurisation
Kefir is another fermented product made from cow, goat or sheep milk. It is drinkable yoghurt but contains different types of good bacteria. It is rich in minerals and vitamins including vitamin B12, calcium, magnesium, vitamin K2, biotin, folate, enzymes and natural probiotics. This fermented food can colonise the intestinal tract and help promote digestion.
Also, kefir helps boost immunity, improve bone density, fight allergies and kill candida.
This fermented beverage may be the easiest one to make. To make it at home, you mix the kefir grains with milk in a jar, cover it with a cheesecloth and leave it in room temperature overnight. The next day, you separate kefir from the grains and keep the healthy grains for next times.
Kefir is rich in minerals and vitamins
Fresh vegetables mixed with salt, packed in buckets or wind seal and fermented are incredibly good for natural health. Bacteria from the environment in addition to the surface of vegetables will ferment to create a characteristic tart. Among them, pickles are loaded with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and beneficial bacteria. Some other vegetables which can be fermented are carrots, cucumbers, cauliflowers and garlic, etc. A note when choosing a jar of pickles, make sure that it is made from organic ingredients.
Pickles are loaded with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and beneficial bacteria
This is a well-known Korean fermented food which is loved by many people all over the world. It is made from cabbage and added spices such as ginger, sugar, water, salt and Korean red peppers. If you think of what to eat with a Soba Noodle bowl or a Fried Rice, nothing can be more suitable than Kimchi. Salty, moderately spicy and slightly sour, Kimchi surely gives you a good appetite.
Kimchi is wonderful for your natural health, not only for cardiovascular but also the digestive system. With high levels of antioxidants contained in Kimchi, it is known to lessen the risk of serious disease conditions such as obesity, diabetes, cancer and gastric ulcers.
Kimchi is a well-known Korean fermented food
Miso is a traditional Japanese fermented food, and they are notorious for their benefits for natural health. Mildew like Aspergillus oryzae (Fungus or mould) is mixed with rice, barley, or soybeans and then brewed in wooden crates for several months to form a paste and fragrant. Miso has anti-ageing content and helps maintain the health of the skin. It also strengthens the immune system, reduces the risk of catching multiple cancers, promotes better bone health and enhances the nervous system, which boosts your overall natural health.
Tamari, fermented soy sauce or shoyu are also made in this way, shoyu products can also be made from wheat.
Miso is a well-known Japanese food
Originated in Indonesia, this is a great non-animal source of protein for vegetarians and vegan. This fermented food is now popular in many parts of the world.
Tempeh is made by adding vinegar, tempeh starter to cooked soybeans and they are kept in plastic bags with small holes in it. After one or two days, you will have a “cake” which has a meaty flavour. It can be marinated, fried or added to sandwiches, salads and stews.
The nutritional value of tempeh is also incredible. A serving of tempeh (equivalent to 3 ounces) provides 16 grams of protein and 8 per cent of calcium that is needed for a day.
Tempeh is a great non-animal source of protein for vegetarians and vegan
A traditional Japanese fermented product, this product has a sticky, sticky texture, commonly used with rice. Beans are boiled and then fermented with Bacillus subtilis for about a day, then cooked in the refrigerator for several days.
Natto can help enhance the immune system and cardiovascular health due to its powerful natural probiotic Bacillus subtilis. Especially, Natto has been claimed to help fight cancer as it has nattokinase content, an anti-inflammatory. Besides, it supports the digestion of vitamin K2, which also helps fight cancer.
Natto is a traditional Japanese fermented product
Fermented foods are found in almost every family meal, and it contributes greatly to your natural health. To remain healthy, you first need a healthy digestive system, and one of the benefits of fermented foods is that it contains a lot of beneficial bacteria for the intestinal tract, which affects the whole state of natural health. To start with fermented foods, you can make simple ones at home like kimchi or pickles, or yoghurt and cheese. When buying fermented products from a grocery store, you should select ones which are organic foods.
Are you a fan of fermented foods or do you want to explore more about this form of foods? You can visit https://naturalorganicliving.com.au/ if you want to know more about fermented foods
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