Whiten your skin at home with 3 simple natural skin care products


Whitening and brightening your skin is a very popular amongst the east. There are many methods and technologies in the cosmetic world for skin whitening which can be expensive to do. You can get whitening lotion and cream to whiten your skin, but you don’t know what in it or what the long-term effect of putting chemicals on your skin.

Whitening bath is one of the methods to help lighten and brighten the skin. Nowadays, there are many different whitening methods for homemade natural organic skin care, in which the use of natural organic food/ingredients to ensure your skin safety, yet highly efficient and popular with many people. Try this natural skin care routine on your weekly schedule for a month to see the result.

Here are some inexpensive at home natural skin care products for whitening and brightening your skin that is effective and inexpensive.

Whitening bath with cooked papaya and fresh milk

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Among the natural ingredients, papaya is a fruit that works best for the skin. If you combine cooked papaya with fresh milk (sugar-free), the result will be better than expectations. The whitening papaya bath and fresh milk are made as follows:


1 papaya ripened

500ml fresh milk without sugar

10ml pure forest honey


Peel the papaya skin and remove the seeds, cut small pieces and then puree it. Use this puree papaya mix in the sugar-free milk then add about 5 teaspoons of honey. Beat the ingredients into a smooth paste. On cleansed skin, apply the paste onto the entire body and leave for 20-30 minutes to nourish the skin so the skin can absorb substance. You can read a book listen to music, watch a TV show while you wait. After 20-30 minutes take a bath to clean the mask off.

Whitening bath with pumpkin

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Pumpkin is rich in vitamins A, C, E … not only a healthy food but also great for skin care. The nutrients in the pumpkin make the skin smooth, white brighter.


½ pumpkin (big or small depending on area to whiten skin)

2 tablespoons of honey

1 box of fresh milk without sugar


Boiled the pumpkin and mash it. Mixed in honey, milk to make a paste texture. Apply this mixture to the skin, massage gently for about 20 minutes and then take a bath/shower with cold water if possible.

Try to do this 2 times a week, after a while; you will notice your skin has brightened and whitened, more beautiful after every treatment.

Whitening bath with beer

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Whitening bath with beer is the ancient secret of the ancient Egyptians to remove the heat, toxins, dirt from the skin to bring out your healthy skin. Beer contains vitamin B, which keeps the skin soft, smooth and bright. Also, beer also has antioxidants that slow the skin ageing process and maintain the skin young. Beer can help to balance the pH of your skin efficiently and effectively. If the pH of your skin is not maintained properly, it can cause a lot of problems like dry skin or oily skin. Also, beer can clean the pores because of its natural alcohol nature. And we all know that alcohol is a very astringent. Beer also helps to inhibit melanin, brighten the skin, prevent acne, improve uneven skin colour and gives the skin a natural glow.


An orange

1 bottle of beer

5 tablespoons of honey

5 tablespoons olive oil


Squeeze an orange to get the juice, mix juice with beer, honey, and olive oil, then pour into the warm water bath. Soak in the bathtub for 20-30 minutes. For families without a bath, you can apply this mixture to the whole body, massage gently. Do it 3 times a week, for a period, you will notice the differences. Your skin becomes healthier, smoother and whiter due to the nutrients in the ingredients. Orange contains vitamin C to help lighten the skin, olive oil, and honey to help smooth the skin and protect the skin from damage.


So you know the 3 ways to whiten the whole body at home is extremely effective. In addition to the whitening bath, you should know that collagen is considered the most specialised protein in the body, which protein account for 70% of the skin structure, directly affecting the beauty of the skin. When the body has enough collagen, acne blemishes will fade, and the acne scars will be filled,  giving you a naturally smooth, light complexion. Studies have shown that regular collagen users can improve the brightness of their skin and improve the acne marks, after only 4-6 weeks of use.

Note when skin whitening at home

– Remember to exfoliate the skin before showering

Exfoliation is the first step in whitening the whole body. Exfoliation will help you remove dead cells, debris, toxins on the surface of the skin, help the skin to circulate blood easily, stimulate new cell growth, bring a fresh skin and full of vitality

-Use sunscreen every time you go out

Protecting the skin from the sun is important. Ultraviolet rays are burned skin through sunlight, causing your skin to become darken and damaging your skin. Before going on the road, you should apply sunscreen 20-30 minutes before heading out allowing time for the sunscreen to penetrate into the skin.

– Notice the diet

To have a beautiful body, bright white skin, not only do you need to take care of the skin outside, you need to take care inside too through the food you eat. Pay attention to what you eat: eat plenty of green vegetables, fruit and drink plenty of water (2 litres of water per day), take supplement vitamins and other essential nutrients that are good for skin regeneration.

-Mental health

Maintain your stress level is important, be happy and in the moment, avoid stress as this will all translate to your skin health. Don’t overthink and see the goodness in everything. This way of thinking will help with your stress level.

– Skincare at night

At night, when you sleep your skin and body rest and restore itself.  Therefore, you need to use body lotion at night and have a good night rest.

Hopefully, this information will help you out. Let me know what you think and what works for you?


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