The irresistible benefits of organic tea


Tea is one of the most drink beverages drank in the world.  Organic tea offers all the well-known health benefits and more than that; it doesn’t contain some toxic chemicals that can be found in conventional tea. Let’s dig deeper into this topic as well as find out about some of the best organic teas.

Emperor Shen Nong accidentally discovered tea in 2737 B.C.E. While boiling water a leaf from an overhanging wild tree drift into the boiling pot. After enjoying this infused tea water, It ignites his passion for tea, and then starting investigating various leaves and investigate tea health benefit. Tea has come far from where it been in China. Today people have consumed all over the world and have reestablished Its health benefit.

Since the discovery of synthetic fertiliser, there were abundant of food as these artificial fertiliser encourage quick growth. However, these short-term gain does long-term damage to not only our environment but our health. This is also the same with other chemicals like pesticides use commercial agriculture.

Conventional tea, the use of pesticides and other chemicals to keep tea growing well and always fresh is common. When you drink these teas, there is a problem that the tea leaves have chemical spray or used to grow this leaves are embedded in it leaves, some pesticides, herbicides and fertilisers containing toxic chemicals. Hence when we drink it these substances are transferred into our tea water.

Compared to regular tea, organic tea is quite superior. It tastes better, provides more nutrients, is safer for both human and the environment. For savvy consumers, the choice of organic tea is no longer a trend.

The common benefit of organic tea

Organic tea is tea grown without the use of synthetic fertilisers, herbicides, and pesticides. It has no artificial colours, preservatives, flavours, sweeteners or other additives. Fertilisers and additives are all proven to be harmful to human health and can be the cause of a lot of dangerous diseases, including cancer. Tea made with the regular farming method is not just harmful by itself, but the toxic substances can be spread and contaminate the soil and water. So people who don’t drink tea can still get sick. Also, organic tea is not irradiated. Irradiation changes both micronutrients and micronutrients in foods and generates free radicals.

Farming method of organic tea is also better for the environment. The absent of herbicides, insecticides assure soil quality for a long time. Without these toxic substances being sprayed, they can’t hit and harm non-target species, and can’t be spread by the wind, thus causing contamination to the soil and water of not only the farm but also other areas.

Not only is organic tea safer, but it tastes better too. Conventional teas are usually dried without rinsing, so synthetic chemicals can end up in your cup and effect the tea quality. With organic tea, all ingredients like leaf teas and herbal tisanes are organic, means that it can preserve the tea’s original taste. And the sustainable farming method of letting tea grow naturally allow the tea to develop better flavour. Furthermore, studies showed that organic tea is more nutritious with a 20-40% higher antioxidant than normal tea.

Organic tea has no artificial colours, preservatives, flavours, sweeteners or other additives

Now that you know why you should choose organic tea, let’s discover some of the best organic tea available:

Ginger tea

In addition to being spices for food processing, ginger is very effective in being a pain relief, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal remedy. Ginger is rich in vitamin C, amino acids, calcium, zinc, phosphorus. It also has many health benefits especially in the treatment of digestive problems.

Ginger tea is rich in vitamin C, amino acids, calcium, zinc, phosphorus … are beneficial to the body

Anti-cancer properties

Ginger is known to be a potent anti-inflammatory drug that can prevent the formation of cancer cells. Ginger has the potential to prevent the development of pancreatic cancer, colorectal, bladder and breast cancer. This is one of the best health benefits of ginger tea.

Improve digestion

Ginger contains shogaol which stimulates digestion and improves nutrient uptake. It also eliminates some digestive problems. It is a very healthy habit to drink regular ginger tea every day.

Improve blood circulation

Ginger has an enormous amount of vitamins, minerals and amino acids to helps improve circulation, thus preventing heart disease like high blood pressure and cholesterol balance. Ginger also removes plaque from the arteries and prevents heart attacks and stroke.


Ginger is known as a powerful anti-inflammatory to fight against joint pain and muscle pain that occurs due to inflammation. Another ability of ginger tea is to strengthen the immune system

Reduce a headache

Ginger contains compounds that help reduce inflammation and act as a natural painkiller. For these reasons, people often sip a cup of ginger tea to reduce migraines and headaches or stress. If you have headaches accompanied by nausea and vomiting, ginger tea is a great treatment.

Good for the brain

Regular ginger tea can improve cognitive ability and memory. It reduces stress and inflammation in the body. Ginger tea is a great remedy for stressful moments.

Reduce cramps and discomfort during menstruation

Ginger can reduce the discomfort of cramping, nausea or irritability during menstruation. Drinking ginger tea not only reduces the discomfort during menstruation but also affects ovarian cancer.

Chamomile Tea

Chamomile (Matricaria Recutita or Matricaria Chamomilla) is a pleasant fragrant flower like apple. Chamomile has been used for centuries for its health benefits. Rich in flavonoids and chrysin, Chamomile offers amazing benefits such as below:

Chamomile tea helps soothe muscles and intestinal mucosa, digestive support and good for people with irritable bowel syndrome

Heal wound

Chamomile tea was used by the Greeks, Romans and Egyptians to heal wounds. In a recent study, it was found that Chamomile tea has special benefits for burns due to its anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antioxidant properties.

Support diabetes treatment

Some scientific studies have found that chamomile tea can lower blood sugar levels, help people with diabetes and hyperglycemia.


The antimicrobial properties of chamomile tea help prevent and treat colds while protecting the body from infections and bacterial infections.

Cure cramps

Chamomile tea helps increase the concentration of glycine in the urine to relieve pain from cramps. It is also believed that chamomile tea is a good treatment for dysmenorrhea.

Reduce abdominal pain

Chamomile tea helps soothe muscles, and intestinal mucosa gives digestive support and is good for people with irritable bowel syndrome.

Helps to sleep well

Since ancient times, chamomile tea has been used to treat insomnia as it can soothe the nervous system so that you can fall asleep faster and easier.

Treating haemorrhoids naturally

Chamomile tea can support the treatment of haemorrhoids by reducing anal inflammation with its anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties, thus stops small haemorrhages and reduces scarring

Cancer prevention

Although still in the process of research, scientists believe Chamomile tea has a component called apigenin that can inhibit the growth of abnormal cells. It can also reduce inflammation to help eliminate cancer cells.

Improve skin

Due to its anti-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory properties, chamomile tea will help treat skin irritations such as Eczema acne and allergies.

Mint tea

Mint tea not only helps to refresh the muscles but also has many other benefits.

Anti- bad breath

Mint tea is used to combat bad breath from smoking, drinking or eating foods that contain fresh onions and garlic. This is why mint is also an important ingredient; it works in a lot of mouth-cooling products and toothpaste.

Reduce a cough

Drinking 3-4 cups of mint tea a day is a great relief for coughs and colds. It helps cure sore throats, as well as relieve a cough. At the same time, it is also a natural nasal spray, which works very well to improve the symptoms of sinusitis.

Reduce abdominal pain

Any heartburn or stomach illness related to eating broken food can be cured simply by sipping a cup of mint tea. You can boil fresh mint leaves or dried mint leaves in water until you feel the fragrance escaping from the water. Regular mint tea also helps improve digestion and toilet use, against flatulence and burping.

Reduce nausea

Mint tea reduces the feeling of nausea and vomiting, especially during pregnancy and after chemotherapy.

Make good sleep

Drinking mint tea before going to sleep will help your muscles relax and go to sleep more easily. However, mint tea should not be given to babies or people with diabetes or high blood pressure.

Effective weight loss support

Mint tea has a characteristic of suppressing appetite, which helps you avoid overeating. When combined with green tea, mint tea speeds up metabolism, thus helping you cut back on excess fat.

Improves skin condition

Mint tea is capable of solving the hormonal problem in the body, thus reducing acne and cleansing the skin. Some people often add mint tea to a bath to soothe the skin, cure burns and rashes.

Boosts immune system

Mint tea contains vitamins B, calcium and potassium that boost the immune system in the body. That is one of the reasons why people drink mint tea during the cold and flu.

Rooibos tea

Rooibos tea, also called red tea, has a deep red colour and natural sweetness. This tea has many health benefits, including anti-inflammation.

Anti-inflammatory chronic

One of the benefits of rooibos tea is that it helps fight chronic inflammation. This tea contains two nutrients, aspalathin and nothofagin, which reduce. The reduction of chronic inflammation is important because, without treatment, chronic inflammation can lead to weight gain, diabetes, heart disease and depression. Also, Rooibos contains polyphenols, an organic substance that can find and kill diseases, protecting your cells.

Contains natural caffeine

This tea is good for health because it contains natural caffeine. It is not like any other tea that can make you restless, sleepless, high blood pressure. This tea improves mood, relieves stress, improves sleep quality and protects the heart.

Good for bones and teeth

Rooibos tea contains minerals that are good for the bone such as manganese, calcium, and fluoride that help keep bones and teeth healthy, preventing osteoporosis, arthritis and joint pain. Take a cup of rooibos tea every day; you will have stronger bones.

Rooibos tea, also called red tea, has a deep red colour and natural sweetness

Limit weight gain

Rooibos tea is proven to be able to limit weight gain. Rooibos helps your body not store fat, blocking hunger hormones. If you drink a cup of tea between meals, you will restrict eating other snacks. Rooibos tea is a good drink during the diet.

Hopefully, through this article, you will have a fresh perspective on organic tea and motivation to try the some of the best teas mentioned above. If you would like more information on organic tea, please visit


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