Natural medicine – Food that are natural laxative


It is surprising how our lifestyle, habits can cause discomfort in our body. From what we eat to our inactive lives can cause discomfort in the form of constipation. By making subtle changes in their diet what you eat to walking an extra 15-30mins walk every day can eliminate constipation. In a way, we are using nature natural medicine to make our lives a little easier. 

What is constipation?

Constipation may be present in any person, regardless of age and gender. According to experts, constipation is the state of defecation less than three times a week or more than three days without defecation. Constipation is the phenomenon of poor bowel contractions, slow motion, or contractions are not strong enough to transport the faeces from the body.

To put the is simply the cause of constipation is when the muscles in the colon of the intestine contraction are slower or poorly pace than normal. The slow movement of the stool cause more water loss then it should be causing the stool to dry and harden.

Constipation can be one of the signs of many anal-intestinal diseases which are dangerous to health such as haemorrhoids, ulcers, anal fractures, polyp colon, gastrointestinal diseases, etc.

If not treated promptly and timely, constipation can cause many complications extremely dangerous to the health and life of patients such as intestinal obstruction, rectal bleeding, gastrointestinal haemorrhage due to haemorrhoids, complications of colorectal cancer directly threatening to life if suffering from anal diseases.

Symptoms of constipation can be a stomach ache, stomach cramp, feeling bloated and nauseous and loss of appetite.

Causes of constipation

Constipation is not a mere illness. There are many causes of constipation; these can be:

  • Physically inactive is one of the common cause of constipation, especially amongst adults. Adults who have not move for days or weeks are at significant risk of constipation.
  • Not enough fibre in your diet is a contributor of constipation.
  • Medication is known to cause constipation. Medication like narcotic pain drugs, antidepressant, anticonvulsant, calcium channel blocking drug, aluminium containing antacids and diuretic are the common drug that triggers constipation.
  • Milk can cause constipation amongst some people
  • People who suffer from irritable bowel syndromes, usually get constipation more than others
  • Not drinking enough water can lead to constipation. Many soft drinks, caffeine and alcoholic drinks dehydrate your body. You need to drink plenty of water to dehydrate yourself and prevent constipation.
  • Overuse of laxative medication can cause constipation in the long term. There is miss conception that we have to go to the toilet every day, due to this reason individuals can self-medicate, over time your body becomes immune and dependant to this medication and dosage need to be higher for the medication to work.
  • Eating food low in cellulose, or too little food with only full starch, drink too little water
  • Due to the mechanical intestinal obstruction (the ability to contract the bowel paralysis).
  • Not going to the toilet when you need to can cause constipation. this is because by not going to the toilet the colon will absorb more water then it needs to causing hardening and drying of the stool.
  • Neurological disorders (neurological dysfunction causing the intestinal muscle contraction to constrain bowel movements). People with these problems usually find it hard to relax muscles in the pelvic floor so they can’t push stool out. The few bowel movements may also be due to the colons working slowly

Also, due to the abuse of drugs that weaken liver function, deformity of an aneurysm, spinal cord injury or paralysis, metabolic diseases such as hyperthyroidism, electrolyte abnormalities such as the quantity of calcium in the blood is high, and other neurological factors such as depression can lead to constipation.

The main causes of constipation are definitely due to an inappropriate diet, though. So, immediately changing diets that are not reasonable is extremely necessary to prevent and overcome constipation effectively.

How to treat constipation?

A widely-used method to convert constipation is laxative. Laxatives are substances that loosen stools and increase bowel movements. Therefore, they are usually used to help treat constipation. However, this medication is only a short-term solution.

According to some researchers, Australians spend haft of a billion dollars on laxatives each year, and it can’t solve the problem. Even, laxatives and stool softeners make constipation worse. Excessive use of laxatives can lead to dependency, making bowel movements difficult or impossible without strong laxatives. Over-the-counter bought laxatives also tend to cause some serious side effects including abdominal cramps, dehydration, dizziness, hypotension, electrolyte imbalance, and bloody stools.

A better way to treat constipation over-the-counter laxatives is using natural medicine like foods that have a laxative effect. Our body already has the natural ability to detox and clean out wastes; it only needs to be provided with the right nutrients. Our body can only relax and detox when you stop putting on the wrong things and start giving it what it needs to function properly. Eat more fibre, remove the food that causes constipation in the first place. Also, adding foods with natural laxatives is a far safer approach than relying on any laxatives or other medication. Also, exercise walks a little more, instead of taking the car to the corner shop why not walk.

Food that has a natural laxative effect

Food is a natural medicine that can help us treat a lot of health problems, including constipation. The general rule is to increase the intake of high fibre foods: green vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, whole grains. Besides, you should eat longevity foods such as black bread, brown rice, etc. These foods contain high levels of fibre and pectin to facilitate the beneficial bacteria in the intestinal tract, inhibit the process of causing rot. Also, toxic substances will stick to the fibres and be excreted outside the body. And eating these substances increase the volume of the stool – irritation into the intestinal wall, causing increased bowel movement and sense of bowel obstruction.

Foods which are rich in fibre is good for you to treat constipation

Moreover, increase the consumption of foods high in magnesium such as milk, millet, cowpea and some vegetables such as jute, spinach, sweet potato, taro, green papaya and banana as a natural medicine for constipation. As we all know, magnesium plays an important role in improving bowel motility.


The majority of people with constipation do not drink enough water during the day leading to a decrease in the proportion of water in the stool, which causes constipation. Normally, water is 75 – 78% of the stool. If the rate decreases, the more difficult it is to move the large intestine, if it falls below 20%, then the block is blocked. Water also helps to ensure the consistency of tool, making it easier to pass. Another thing worth mentioning is that it amplifies the effects of other natural laxatives. Drinking enough water each day (which includes water in food and water in different forms) will have to make constipation greatly improve.

Water is so important in our digestive system, especially constipation.

Follow the advice of nutrition experts:

  • Under 6 months of age: During this stage, the baby is exclusively breastfeeding, but if it suffers from constipation, you need to supplement your baby with 100-200ml of water/day.
  • 6 – 12 months: 200 – 300 ml/day.
  • 1 – 3 years: 500 – 600ml/day.
  • 3-5 years: 1000 ml/day.
  • Over the age of 10: 1500 – 2000 ml/day.


Yoghurt has good bacteria called probiotic help digest and absorbs food better

Yoghurt contains many yeast and bacteria that are good for the intestinal tract, especially probiotics. Probiotics work to convert the dietary fibre of the small intestine into amino acids, lactic acid and vitamins that help digest and absorb food better. The beneficial bacteria of the lactic acid cultivar associated with the intestinal microflora of the intestine are good for the digestive system, preventing and remedying constipation. You can eat plain yoghurt or combine with fruits to make yoghurt more delicious and nutritious.

Aloe Vera

The bulk of the aloe vera leaf is filled with a gel that contains beneficial vitamins, minerals, amino acids, phytonutrients, and enzymes. Also, it also contains anthraquinones, a type of compound present in aloe that acts like a natural laxative by increasing intestinal water content, stimulating mucus secretion and increasing intestinal peristalsis naturally (contractions that break down food). The increased water content will have to make the stool softer. Aloe vera is even superior to some other herbal laxatives (senna for example) as it doesn’t draw too much fluid into the large intestines, preventing dehydration or cramping. The most simple yet effective way to enjoy aloe vera and its benefits are to drink organic aloe vera juice.


With a high fibre content, vitamins A, B, C, cabbage can promote intestinal peristalsis, helping to digest, prevent and treat constipation effectively easily. Adding to that is the dietary fibre to help increase bowel activity. Cabbage also can clean our colon. By eating cabbage help to get rid of toxin in the intestinal tract and soften the stool. According to Oriental medicine, cabbage has a sweet flavour, welding properties, non-toxic, diuretic dysfunction, cure dysphagia, constipation, constipation, stomach pains. You can prepare many dishes from this food. Salad, boiled, fried, cooked cabbage and cabbage soup are all super nutritious.


Not only considered as a natural antibiotic, but honey also contains an abundant nutrient content of vitamins, minerals and amino acids that are good for you. It can be considered a mild laxative because the sugar in the honey has the function to soften stool and relief constipation. Fructose is less readily absorbed in the intestinal tract than when combined with glucose thus helps with regular digestionDrinking a glass of honey mixed with boiled water every morning helps the body to flush out toxins easily, thus not only awakens the digestive system in the body after a long sleep but also helps to defecate more easily.

The sugar in honey help to soften stool and relief constipation

Note that people with constipation should not eat spicy, hot, greasy foods, and limit their consumption of alcohol, coffee, tea, etc. These foods can cause intestinal inhibition, make you feel hot inside the body and cause constipation to become worse.

Also, to have a healthy diet, regulating lifestyle habits also contribute significantly to the treatment of constipation. Exercise regularly, make a habit of defecation in the morning or afternoon at a fixed hour of daily, not grooming when it will help us prevent and treat constipation effectively.

Natural medicine such as foods that have a laxative effect will help you relieve constipation well. For more natural medicine receipts or natural and organic products, please visit our website at Thanks for your reading.


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