Natural health – water retention management


When our body is balanced and healthy, it is incredible, however in sickness when our body is an imbalance due to what it needs in through our consumption, our mental health and physical fitness. Fighting with so much against it is a struggle. Water retention is one of that illness that is an indicator of our body struggle to fight our abuse on our body. Body water retention occurs because of fluid level imbalances in the body and can be related to as simple as not eating the right food to moving or lack of it, out physical state to kidney, liver, heart or thyroid disease. In this article, let’s talk about how to avoid body water retention with safe and effective natural medicine

What causes water retention?

Water retention is when your body retains more water then it should be due to various reasons. In a healthy body, that is you have working functional organs, but you still have water retention it can be due to diet, menstruation cycle or genetics. But is an unhealthy it can be caused by the dysfunction of either your liver, kidney or even heart. There can be many causes for water retention, and knowing them can help better treat this problem.

Excessive consumption of sodium (salt): Sodium a found in most foods that we eat on a daily basis. Sodium is necessary, but this is also one of the significant causes of water accumulation. Excessive consumption of sodium and not drinking enough water can lead to fluid retention in the body.

Lady Fingers or Okra over wooden table backgroundProcessed foods contain lots of sugar and sodium. These are the main causes of swelling or water retention.

Dehydration: Not drinking enough water during the day can lead to dehydration. Dehydration can cause the body to retain more water in the body to maintain its activity. This can lead to tissue swelling. This is one of the leading causes of water accumulation in the body.

Vitamin B6 deficiency can also lead to water retention. Therefore you need to be sure to provide enough vitamins for the body. The best sources of vitamin B6 are tuna, sunflower seeds, potatoes, pistachios and bananas. they are used as a top natural medicine for dealing with water retention.

Magnesium deficiency: Magnesium is known to be one of the most important minerals for our health. It helps prevent water retention in the body. Magnesium can a found in foods such as nuts, dried fruits, butter, whole grains and spinach.

Magnesium is known to be one of the most important minerals for our health

Lack of potassium

Lack of potassium in the body can lead to improper functioning of the organs, fluid imbalance and water retention. It is because this mineral is responsible for regulating, balancing water in the body.

Pregnancy: The weight of the uterus on the main vein can cause fluid accumulation in the body during pregnancy. This is not a big problem to worry about because the problem will clear itself after giving birth.

Inactive Physical Activity: One of the reasons why exercise is important is it allows the blood to circulate allowing water retention to not accumulate on our leg. Exercise causes high pressure in the capillary. The high-pressure, fast pace, helps to circulate blood through the leg veins allowing fluid to leave the capillary quickly but harder for the fluid to come back on. However exercise also stimulates the lymphatic system, allowing the lymphatic system to regulate the overflow of fluid. Bring the water level back to its optimal level by directing the liquid back into the bloodstream. Hence this is why long flight can cause and increase water retention. Therefore, exercise is needed to stimulate the circulatory system and prevent water retention.

Medication: Some medication side effect is water retention. Example of medication that causes water retention is chemotherapy treatment, drugs that contain estrogen, like birth control pills; Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like painkiller as aspirin, blood pressure medication and antidepressant.

Weak Heart: In some cases when the heart is not pumping your blood well, your heart pressure and its beat slow it can cause water retention as blood pressure is not enough to remove water from your body.

Server Protein deficiency: Lack of protein can cause water retention. This is because when you are protein deficient the water in between the tissue space to are unable or it more difficult to go back into the capillaries. This is why those kids in the third world countries with no food have a enlarge abdomen. This is mainly caused by lack of protein due to their lack of food.

Histamine: When you have inflammation present histamine usually is release to widen capillary wall allowing gaps in between the cell wall so that the white blood cell can fight infection. This gap or leakier cause water retention as a water molecule is leak out to the cells.

Kidney issues: When the kidney is not healthy it can affect its core process of removing waste, fluid and other unwanted substance out of our system. When it is not doing it job unwanted wasted, and excess water cannot be removed from the body efficiently, resulting in water retention.

Lymphatic system failure: When we can not drain the lymph (fluid) from the tissues and back into the bloodstream for varies reasons this is a clear indication of lymphatic failure. Therefore water retention is the result of its dysfunction.

What are the signs that you are dealing with water retention?

You should not ignore water retention, as, over time, this condition can lead to kidney failure or heart failure. Here are some of the signs of water retention you should pay attention to

Rapid weight gain: If you notice a rapid increase in weight, this may be because your body has begun to retain more water than it needs to.

Recognise and manage fluid body retention. Exercise is needed to stimulate the circulatory system and prevent water retention in the body.

Swollen joints: A sign of fluid retention is swollen joints, also associated with increased weight due to stagnant water in the body. Water accumulation can also affect muscle function and cause weakness and muscle pain. You may have stretch marks on the limbs; walking may be difficult and even some stiff joints.

Increased heart rate: It is the state of water retention that makes it difficult for the heart to pump blood to all parts of the body. This usually happens when your legs and hands are swollen by water retention. Holding water on the limbs causes an increase in peripheral pressure and impairs the ejection action of the heart and usually makes you feel that the heart rate is rising. Over time, this condition can lead to damage to the heart and blood vessels.

Pay attention to skin discolouration: Water retention affects blood flow. You may notice that there are skin rashes in some areas and there are pale patches on the skin in other areas of the body, mainly due to water retention causing blood circulation disorders. If you click on the skin, you may notice a deep recess on the skin.

Shortness of breath: oedema can lead to swelling of tissues in the body, oedema may also affect tissues in the lungs and lead to dyspnea. The extra fluid that builds up in your lungs increases the difficulty in breathing. Wheezing, hoarseness and coughing are some signs that there may be excess water in the respiratory organs.

Bloating and puffiness- In the case where there is a lack of protein the water retention is in the abdominal. At some other cases, water retention can start in their legs and spread to the abdomen, face and hips causing puffiness and bloating. It can be through the long-term use of medication.

What can natural medicines help you fight off water retention?

Drink more water – the natural medicine that can never go wrong!

In addition to helping the kidneys as well as the entire digestive system to be regularly purified, drinking plenty of water will help provide enough fluid for the body and brain, thereby allowing the body’s metabolism to take place. It will help you look and feel better. Drinking lots of water at the same time helps to release water in the body through excretion, avoiding the condition of water retention.

When your body receives more water, the body will excrete many types of ions out of the body resulting in the lack of some types of vitamins.

Exercise more

Sweating is a way for you to cool your body through “evaporation” – this is the body’s mechanism of regulating body temperature. When you sweat, it means that your metabolism is working well, because good metabolism means higher body temperature in most parts of your body. Also, the definition of “water retention” includes not only the trapped water but also the sodium ions trapped under the skin. That is why our sweat is salty. If your sweat is salty after exercising, it means you are still holding a certain amount of sodium in your body.

Sweating is a way for you to cool your body through “evaporation”

Squeeze your muscles

Experts consider this an important factor to help you get firm and sharp abdominal muscles. In addition to this, shaping activity helps the sweat reduce the amount of fluid under the skin to help you have better muscle control. So try stretching with your back muscles or thigh muscles.

Don’t eat too much salt

Eating uncooked foods such as potato chips or potato chips can cause your body to become “watery.” Our bodies need only 2000 – 2500 mg of salt to complete the daily metabolic function.

If you take in excess sodium, there are gonna be health problems, and water retention is just one of them. Try to keep the sodium level in the body just by substituting salt with spices such as garlic, ginger, fresh vegetables, pepper, chives, coriander, hot sauce, etc.


Besides the benefits of toning your skin, sunbathing is an amazing natural medicine to help you discharge excess water through sweating. Although be sure to apply sunblock SPF that is suitable for you as well as eat berries that contain antioxidants regularly to fight free radicals that can cause cancer.

Besides the benefits of toning your skin, sunbathing can also help you discharge excess water through sweating

Here are the methods that have been proposed to help you reduce the amount of excess water in the body. In short, the first step towards achieving a well-balanced body is to apply yourself to a proper diet and exercise.

Foods as natural medicines to help you fight water retention

To remove water retention, you should consider, include these natural medicines in your diet

Ensure you get enough protein with egg

Protein deficiency in the blood can lead to water retention. Proteins work to keep salt and water in the bloodstream, so that fluid does not spill out or leak into the tissue. It is better to eat foods that can boost the body’s protein, such as fish and eggs. Especially, Egg is a natural medicine that can help solve the problem of water retention.

Bamboo shoots

Bamboo shoots are high in protein, fibre, fatty acids, amino acids, vitamins A, E, B and minerals. Bacteria in Bamboo shoots help reduce fluid retention as well as a swollen body. Besides, bamboo shoots also offer a huge amount of potassium to decrease sodium in your body and increase the production of urine.

Bamboo shoots


Oedema is the accumulation of too much fluid in the tissue. Beetroot has low-fat content that can resist water retention, along with lots of potassium and magnesium to reduce water in the body. It can also help push water out of the system. Drinking squeezed juice every day also promotes liver purification as well as dialysis.


Celery is a wonderful natural medicine to remove excess water from the body thanks to the high content of fibre and water, as well as potassium. The effect of preventing water retention can lead to successful weight loss.


Pineapple is a natural diuretic that can reduce the buildup of fluid in the body. Pineapple is 85% water, which explains why this fruit is such a good natural medicine for water retention. Not to mention the ability to help remove toxins from the body and the huge amount of vitamin C and potassium, all contribute to flush water out of your body.

Pineapple is a natural diuretic that can reduce the buildup of fluid in the body


Avocados have high nutritional content that improves quality of life. Avocados with high levels of caffeine can help balance the amount of sodium in the body, thereby reducing the amount of water. This natural medicine is also a potassium powerhouse, as well as magnesium, a helpful mineral that can control many aspects of water balance in the body. All this makes avocados a wonderful choice to protect yourself against water retention.


Bananas also contain lots of potassium, a vitamin that prevents the buildup of fluid in the body. Eating a banana a day helps to reverse the water retention process.

Red kidney beans

These beans are rich in insoluble fibre that help eliminate excess fluid and prevent swelling. Douches in kidney beans help maintain fluid balance in the cell and help drain. Foods such as raisins, almonds, blueberries, apricots, spinach and raspberries can be effective remedies for reducing water.


This natural medicine is considered a useful tool for weight loss. You should add okra to your diet every day to prevent water retention because it is rich in fibre. Eating fibre-rich foods can reduce water retention because fibre can absorb a lot of water when passing through the intestines.

Okra is considered a useful tool for weight loss and removes water retention

Always remind yourself to drink plenty of water and keep track of your sodium levels so you can avoid the risk of water retention. Include the helpful natural medicines above to give you better health too. If you want to know more information about other natural medicines or the natural methods to remove water retention, you can visit


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