Natural Health – Fat burning foods


With our current lifestyle, where we are inactive obesity is a common problem in many countries. Exercising is an excellent natural, healthy way of reducing unwanted weight. However, food also plays an essential role in natural health for our weight and body. With the easy access and availability of fast foods and junk foods, we tend to be drawn to this food instead of fresh, natural healthy food. Hence being overweight is a common result of this. We need to cut back on the unhealthy foods and start eating fat burning foods to aid our natural health and natural beauty.

In our modern time were hard labour is not a common thing but more desk and computer work, we lack outdoor and physical activities making it harder for us to burn off calories, and an unhealthy diet with much fat content also contributes to being overweight. According to the World Health Organisation, “at least one in three of the world’s adult population is overweight, and almost one in 10 is obese. Additionally, there are over 40 million children under age five who are overweight”. There is a huge amount of overweight people, and it’s a big concern for public health. Being overweight is deemed unattractive in today’s society. But it’s not just that. It’s really harmful and can be dangerous to our health too. It will lead to an increased risk of a lot of dangerous diseases and prevent us from living a happy, healthy life. Luckily for us, overweight and obesity can be prevented with a change of lifestyle. Aside from engaging in physical activity, a key to reach a healthy body is adopting a good diet. You can limit the intake of saturated fats, as well as increasing consumption of foods that promote the metabolism and help burn fat faster. Let’s dig deeper into why we need to get rid of body fat and what fat burning foods can we eat to enhance our natural health.

What is the effect of obesity and overweight on your natural health?

Overweight is a state where you ingest much more calories than you burn. Obesity is the bad health condition that your body has too much fat. This makes your body health is weaker and easier to get kind of dangerous diseases. It increases the risk of cardiovascular disease (mainly heart disease and stroke), type 2 diabetes, musculoskeletal disorders like osteoarthritis, and some cancers (endometrial, breast and colon), high blood pressure, sleep apnea, bone/joint damage, and respiratory disorders… Most of these diseases are long-term suffering. Together, they lead you to have a lower quality of your natural health, and in some cases, they can lead to disability and early death. And the cost for the treatment of these diseases is often extremely high.

Which fat burning foods are good for natural health?

The healthy and good meals play an important part in keeping your good health condition. These are some fat burning foods which you should take into consideration, that helps you decrease the risk of getting obesity and improve your natural health.


There are too many reasons that make tomatoes your good friends when you want to lose weight. Tomatoes are very low in calories so that you can eat them comfortably without any worry about your weight. They are considered to be a high-volume food, that is it has plenty of water, fibre and air. Hight volume food tends to fill you up without consuming a lot of it. Tomatoes give you plenty of nutrients and help you keep your daily caloric intake low. 

Also, it is considered a low-glycemic food. Tomato has a glycemic index of 15. Any fruit for vegetables with a 55 glycemic index indicates that the food has a high glucose level. Hence it will affect your blood sugar level. Having a low rank mean that tomatoes keep your blood sugar level low and stable to avoid the body from releasing insulin, which promotes fat storage. This means that they will not have many effects on your natural health, in particularly your blood sugar levels and it won’t release insulin – a kind of hormones which causes fat storage and weight gain.

Tomato fills you up with its low calories, low in sugar and high volume food making it ideal to lose weight.

Tomatoes are your good friend in burning fat in your body.


Many studies have shown that ginger plays a key role in treating obesity. Because ginger is nearly calorie-free. A Study has shown that it id fat burning, suppress appetite and block fat absorption. By suppressing your appetite you to feel full and prevents you from overeating. 

Ginger is said to help reduce and control blood sugar level. Controlling blood sugar mean controlling the insulin release, hence fat storage. Moreover, it promotes digestion and stimulates metabolism, which leads to increase calorie burning. There are many ways to use ginger such as tea, boiled and pickled, but if you want to have the best result, to increase metabolism and burn fat, you need to take higher dosages of ginger, which are available as an extract. You should use 250mg of ginger extract three times daily because it is the ideal dosage. You can combine it with green tea, garlic and turmeric depend on your preference, they are good for your natural health and help you get the target: burn fat and lose excessive weight.

Not only a spice, but Ginger also is a wonderful treatment for burning fat.


There is a famous quote: “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”. As you know, apples are a super fruit because it is so good for your natural health and beauty. Like the other water-rich fruits, apple is so necessary for your diet. It is rich in fibre and low in calories which makes you feel full fast and a great source of Vitamin C (Polyphenols) an antioxidant, which provides a beneficial antioxidant to your body to help detoxify the liver and speed up metabolism. Moreover, it is high in pectin, which binds with water and limits the amounts of fat your cells can absorb. So, if you are having the problem of overweight, apple is the suitable choice for you. It is not only a delicious and healthy fruit but also a great treatment for your weight.

Delicious apples are your good companions in losing weight.


There is the fact that broccoli is a super food that has many benefits to your natural health. It is a wonderful source of fibre, which makes you feel full quicker during the meal and keep you fuller longer after a meal. This means that it helps you to stop overeating and protects you from appetite. Moreover, if you are finding food that helps you to burn fat and get your body into a fat-burning-state instead of storing fat, no doubt that broccoli is an ideal choice for you. Because several micronutrients in broccoli are known to support weight loss, and its phytochemicals show that they are helpful for breaking down fats. Let’s usually have broccoli in your meals to see the fat goes away from your body.Burning fat by eating broccoli at least three times per week.

Green tea

Green tea is rich in antioxidant, especially Epigallocatechin gallate(ECCG). ECCG helps to increase the norepinephrine hormone in your body, and this hormone is used to signal fat cells to break down fat that you absorb through daily food intake. ECCG is no only provide you with energy, but it also stimulates your metabolism. The ideal dosage of green tea you should use daily is 3 cups; if you have 1-2 cups per day, it can’t give you the best result. One more thing you should take it into consideration is that you shouldn’t drink green tea in the early morning or late night if you don’t want to get the problem of digestion or insomnia. 30 minutes after meals is the suitable time for you to drink green tea.

Get well with green tea.


If you are looking for food that helps you burn fat, let’s have a look at the banana. Banana is a no strange fruit, but many people aren’t aware of its effect on our body weight. Banana is so great for weight loss because it is very low in calories and high in fibre. It also contains very little fat, but have loads of fibre mean that its’ will make you feel full and stop you from eating more. The is a study by the Brigham Young University College of Health and Human Performance, on the increase consumption of fibre on woman weight. The result shows that an increase in fibre in your diet will reduce woman weight and fat. This mean banana is high in fibre benefit woman in weight loss.

Furthermore, the green banana has something extra special for weight loss. Green banana is high in starch and resistant starch. What so special about this resistant starch is good for weight loss as it said to help stop sugar absorption into our body and regulate sugar level in our blood. It’s also said to have helped increase fat burning. This makes green banana more compelling as a weight loss food.

Banana has compounds to help speed up your metabolism and help you burn fat easily. Furthermore, people who have a digestive problem always choose banana as a wonderful treatment because it contains a lot of fibre and can be digested easily.

       Good for brain, digestion and weight loss – banana.


There are many advantages when you eat orange such as: get well after you got the flu or common cold, improve your immunity or beautify your skin and fat burner is one of its virtues. The great source of Vitamin C in orange provide a great boost to your immune system that will keep you healthy and allow your body to work at a higher level in burning fat. Like the other water-rich fruits, orange is also rich in fibre, which makes you feel full quicker and encourages you to eat less. Although there are many kinds of foods that can help you to lose weight and burn fat in your body, orange still plays an important role in keeping your natural weight and natural beauty.

           Let’s orange help you to burn your fat.

In brief, there are many foods that are not only delicious but also help you burn fat, so you should replace the unhealthy fast foods with them. Other than that, what will help your weight loss is doing exercise. You can lose excess weight when the fat you burn is greater than the fat you absorb through the meal every day. So, the great plan for you to protect your natural health and natural beauty is making the ideal combination between doing exercise and healthy foods you should eat daily. Let’s have a good life right now, starting from taking care of yourself carefully!

To get more information about healthy fat burning foods and other tips for weight loss, visit our website:


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