Natural hair treatment


Nowadays we have accessible tools to heat, colour and style our hair. Dyeing, bleaching, curling, straightening our hair, have become common practice. For the perfect look, we can accept a little damage here and there by chemical exposure and heat. Fortunately, we can minimise these damages by natural hair treatment. Natural hair treatment is perfect for those with sensitive skin, it natural ingredient will not irritate your skin.

Natural beauty is about looking after what you got. It is about maintaining and appreciating what you have to make it last. Taking care of our hair, skin, teeth, body, hair, etc it. is important not only enhance our lives but allow us to express ourselves fashionably through different stages of our lives. We colour our hair, cut or style our hair to express our current trend in this moment of time chasing or setting a fashion trend. These trends can put a toll on our natural hair beauty. Putting products, change our hair colour or keeping up with our current hair colour as well as putting heated curls can damage our hair and drying it out.

Using hair care products is a way to reduce the hair damage. But is that true? Can conventional hair care products truly save your hair from damage when they are made with harmful chemical components? To protect your hair, it’s best if you come looking for natural ingredients that can recover your hair without side effects. Natural hair treatment is the safest and most effective way to care for your hair and give it a smooth, glowing look. Oils and hair masks are two popular methods of natural hair treatment.

Natural oils revitalise your hair without the use of cosmetics or dangerous chemicals

Oils are wonderful remedies to give your hair moisture and shine; they help nourish the scalp, get rid of dandruff and overall aid your hair to be healthier. Here are some of the best oils for natural hair treatment.

Grapefruit oils: Massage your hair with grapefruit oil is an easy method to promote healthy hair and enable hair regrowth. Grapefruit essential oil can cure dandruff and promote the growth of follicles, eliminate oily scalps. It can help you get rid of chemicals due to the hairsprays or gels you’ve applied on your hair. Moreover, it helps the hair shinier and more lustrous. And it’s sweet; fresh aroma makes it a great hair deodoriser

How to extract grapefruit oil:

  • Put a bowl into the middle of a saucepan, and grapefruit peel which has been cut into small pieces around.
  • Pour water into the saucepan, about 1/3 grapefruit peel and simmer them. This is the time oil extracts from a peel.
  • Put ice on the lid. The extracted oil will be evaporated, get cold and fall into the bowl below. And when this progress finishes, you get your grapefruit oil.

How to use it:

  • Let’s it cool and then put into a glass bottle. You can put it on your fridge to keep it good longer.
  • After washing your hair, take a little of grapefruit oil and massage your hair for about 20 minutes. You can finish by rinsing with warm water.

Grapefruit oil for healthy hair.

Coconut oil: Coconut oil has been proven that it has remarkable results in hair growth. Certain components in it keep your hair strong, nourished and protected from the effects of premature ageing such as baldness and excessive hair loss and many different harmful damages. A big nutrients content in coconut oil is medium-chain fatty acids (like lauric acid and capric acid) that have strong antiviral, antimicrobial and antifungal properties. These properties effectively clean your hair and scalp, thereby prevent dandruff.

How to extract coconut oil:

  • Put coconut pulp into a big bowl, and soak it with warm water about 5 minutes.
  • Grind the coconut pulp which has just been soaked
  • Refine the liquid from its body, and you should grind it again with a little warm water to gain the perfect liquid.
  • Put the coconut liquid into the saucepan and boil it. Every 10 minutes you should stir it once.
  • Keep doing it for 40 minutes, give away the scum on the top, and then you get your coconut oil.

How to use it:

  • Take a little bit of coconut oil to massage your hair. 30 minutes later wash your hair with clean water. You can wash it twice to clean your hair completely. Do this at least 3 times per week to have lustrous and strong hair.

 Take care of your hair with your coconut oil

Other than essential oils, you can also use these masks to enhance your strong, healthy hair

Avocado and banana: Both of them contain a lot of Vitamin, which can prevent hair loss. Both are a rich source of vitamin B and E, both of those work at the cellular level to strengthen hair. Avocado has high-fat content and banana can restore the pH level of the scalp, both help smoothen your hair wonderfully. Banana also maintain the scalp’s health by reducing the oiliness. A huge bonus is that these fruits smell good they make you feel comfortable and confident all day.

How to make it:

Put avocado and banana into the grinder, and then grind them until you get a smooth mixture.

    • How to use it:
      • Massage your hair with this mixture about 10 minutes.
      • Let it stay on your hair for about 30 minutes more and then wash with warm water.

Wonderful mask for damaged hair


Aloe Vera: Aloe vera has proteolytic enzymes to repair the damaged cells in the scalp, stimulate hair follicles, thus boost faster hair growth. The anti-inflammatory, antifungal and antiviral properties help soothe any irritation and cure dandruff. And last, the moisture content of aloe vera lock in nutrients and hydration, ensuring the conditioning of your hair.

How to make it

  • You need 3 spoons yoghurt, 4 spoons ground Aloe Vera and 2 spoons of coconut oil.
  • Mix all of them until you get the smooth mixture.
    • How to use it:
      • Same as the other masks for hair, you massage your hair with this mixture and keep it on your hair for 30 minutes.
      • After that, wash your hair with warm water.

Let’s Aloe Vera takes care of your damaged hair

Beer: Sound strange? Beer is actually where all your hair’s mineral needs are met. The Vitamin B has in it makes your hair softer and smoother. It maintains a good pH level of the scalp and prevents your scalp from going dry or oily. Malt and hops are active ingredients in beer, and the proteins in it can treat damaged hair. And sucrose and maltose sugars tighten hair cuticles, thus enhance hair shine.

How to make it:

  • You need ½ cup of beer and water.
  • All you need to do is mix them.

How to use it:

  • Wash your hair clean and use the mixture of beer and water like conditioner.
  • After using this mixture, you shouldn’t clean your hair again to gain the best result.
  • Use it whenever you wash your hair to see the surprising improvement.

 Beer is a natural treatment for your hair

Egg and milk: Two ingredients is the excellent combination to treat your damaged hair because they contain a plentiful source of proteins. They will help to stop hair loss and improve the health of your hair. Egg provides all the protein and nourishment needed to your hair while milk has super moisturising powers that give your hair a wonderfully smooth look

How to make it:

  • Mix 2 eggs with 100ml sugar-free milk until you get the smooth mixture.

How to use it:

  • Clean your hair and let it dry naturally.
  • Massage your hair with this mask for 10 minutes and then keep it on your hair for 30 minutes more.
  • Wash again with cool water.
  • You should do this 2 times per week to bring your healthy hair back.

 Stop hair loss with egg and milk

These natural hair treatments will help you protect your hair effectively. We all know that our hair will be badly damaged and become weaker through harmful effects of all the chemicals from hair dyers or bleachers. Although eye-catching, beautiful hairstyle can make you stand out and get you more confident, protect and revitalise your hair after those trips to the hair salon is also extremely important, so that your hair will be strong and healthy for a long, long time. So, never forget to carefully take care of your hair with natural hair treatments.

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