In this modern era where the stress of life can get you down. Always rushing, not having time just to be you. This lifestyle is not healthy mentally and physically. However, Mediation has been an increasing go to practice that quiet your mind and remove the stress that exists in this modern world. This practice does tremendous enhancement to your outer natural beauty and inner natural beauty.
People come to meditation for different reasons. Some of them are looking forward to some tranquillity, inner peace. Some find meditation to connect with their inner spirituality. When you are in touch with your inner self, you physically change. It seems like your whole body is vibrating with the same rhythm of peace or tranquillity. Many see themselves looking younger and healthier; their inner natural beauty has moved to their outer natural beauty. You would never know how youthful mediation can be for you.
To properly understand the meditation and the effects of meditation on health care and natural beauty, let’s find out together on this topic.
Why meditation is important for your natural beauty?
From a scientific aspect: The human body is made up of material particles (cells) and to maintain and operate the order of these particles, the role of the connected energy tubes is very important. They provide energy, keep the order for the cells so that the cells are always healthy and stable. But in this fast-paced modern society, stress and energy shortages are gradually becoming the number one enemy of physical and mental health. Stress makes the body fatigue, takes away vitality, stops you from having a good sleep, etc. So they can cause premature ageing and lots of diseases. We have to deal with stress whether it arises from our jobs, family life, a relationship problem or even finances problems. Prolonged stress can lead to tension headaches and other health problems that limit your function at work or in your relationships. Rather than letting stress take over your life, try some methods of stress-management to prevent it. Meditation is one of the best methods to deal with stress. A few hours of meditation practice per day can help defeat anxiety, reduce stress, prevent our skin from ageing and increase happiness.
Appearance is just a shell outside, but if you truly want to look beautiful, the key is you must have a healthy body and mind. When you are healthy both physically and mentally, your skin, features and overall appearance would naturally improve. Meditation is considered as a healthy heart remedy, which helps blood flow to nourish cells. Many research has shown that meditating regularly will increase immunity, help you become healthy from inside, which will show outside by your glowing appearance.
Meditation is good for your natural beauty, prevent aging
Meditation produces hormones that prevent stress and regenerate energy, helping the energy tubes to be restored. Simultaneously meditation activates the powerful nature killer cells to automatically search, destroy diseases, hold off the ageing process, beautify and restore the whole body. Many scientific studies have shown that a person who regularly meditates for a short time will have a better immune system than a person who doesn’t. Also, the natural antibody index will increase by 50%. In fact, skin burn or cluttered body can be eliminated by meditation.
Meditation can treat 60% of illnesses. Environmental pollution, dirty food sources and stress prevent the body from providing enough energy. Eventually the stored energy is removed, and cell deformation causes the skin to become thick, dull and what is more dangerous, it can causes diseases such as cancer, depression, genetic mutations, immunodeficiency, etc. Meditation evokes a relaxation response in your body that eases stress, the main cause of sleep disorders. Regular meditation will create a body reflex to bring forth the sense of relaxation that helps you get back your appetite and help you sleep well at night. And since human energy is supplied and reconstructed from two main sources: Eat and sleep. Obviously, meditation can strengthen your health.
Experiments on body growth show that spending a short time sitting quietly and breathing each day is one of the best and easiest way to improve your attitude, health and your natural beauty. After a few weeks of regular practices, you will see your focus, awareness and alertness improved. Brain scans of meditators show that the brain produces many gamma waves, which are the main types of electromagnetic fields used to focus, memorise and make the connection between different parts of the body.
How to meditate?
Meditation returns everything to nature. The point is that when energy is introduced into the body, it will find its priorities for pre-treatment. Science has proven that cells also have their intelligence. They know they need to find and recover the cells that need emergency first, then the next dangerous disease.
Find somewhere quiet to avoid being bothered
Especially if you are a beginner of this method, it is important to ensure that where you intend to practice meditation will free you from any distraction. Turn off the television and radio, close the windows to avoid the sound outside.
To add the enjoyment to the meditation experience, a scented candle, a bouquet of flowers or incense will be a great tactile hint. Adjusting the dim light or twisting the lights will help you focus better.
Wear comfortable clothes
Of course you do not want anything that pulls you out of a focused state. So avoid wearing tight fitting outfits like tight jeans or pants. Instead, choose the outfit you usually wear to exercise or go to bed – this spacious and breathable clothing is considered a wise choice.
Wear comfortable clothes to maximise the benefits of meditation
Sit on a meditation pad or chair while your back is upright
Straight up position will help you focus more on breathing as you inhale and exhale. If you are sitting on a chair, try not leaning back or not stooping down. Keep your position as straight as possible. Set foot in any position you feel comfortable. You can straighten them in front of or cross as a twisted cookie if you are sitting on the pad. The most important thing is that your sitting position must always be kept straight.
Relax or close your mouth when breathing
During the meditation, you should breathe in and out with your nose. However, make sure your jaw is relaxed even if you do not open your mouth. Instead of clenching your teeth or grinding your teeth, relax to feel better.
Focus on breathing
The focus is the core of meditation. When you meditate, it is suggested that you focus on one thing but focus on your breathing is the best and recommended by many experts. With total attention to the way, you inhale and exhale. You may have though come through from time to time don’t fight the thought just let it be and refocus on your breath.
It is very common for a beginner to see their mind chatter, don’t add to the thought, just hear it and move your attention to your inhale and exhale. Don’t think if the first session or the fifth session your mind wander. It is perfectly fine. But in time as your mind get used to the quietness you will reach the level of tranquillity and peacefulness you have always wanted. With many great things in your life, it takes patient and commitment. Do this for 15mins day. You can increase it as you master meditation.
Do not be too strict with yourself
Do not expect that meditation practice will change your life and improve your natural beauty in a split of a second. To be able to focus on something, you need a lot of time. Meditation is like great wine, the more patient, time and effort you put into it, the better the experience. So keep it up even if you fail to focus the first 5-10 time, keep at it. You will see the benefit before you know it. Mediate for at least 15mins a day.
There are many forms of mediation that you can do. The described method above is the simplest and easiest way to mediate. Try them out and see which one is right for you. Each mediation method gets you to focus on something either a mantra or a physical position of your body. But the basic of mediation is focus your mind on one thing and allow yourself inner self to harmonise with you the outer you. In this way, it balances you’re outer been with your inner been. Hence we can say it align your inner natural beauty with your outer natural beauty. As you are one and in one vibration with your inner and outer self.
Start meditating right now and you will be surprised by the positive effects it has on your natural beauty.