Natural Health – Foods that boost your productivity continue


We all want to be productive in our works or businesses. Especially with high performing businesses or works. Lifestyle plays an important role in this incident from your daily habits and diet. Natural health plays an important factor here. Being on tops shape in mind and body is important for us to handle stress and challenges in our lives. Improve productivity and being on top of your game, is a process of choosing the right food that would help increase this compacity one major aspect to get in tiptop shape in mind and body.

In an ideal world, we all want to have enough focus, concentration, stamina and clarity of the mind to make a decision and come with ideas and solution to whatever is in our way. However, this may not be possible for everyone. Our health may not be there, our concentration level is not there and our clarity and mental compacity may not be in shape too. These lacks hinder our performance and productivity. However, there is hope what you consume may solve these issues. Food is our body fuel energy, enabling us to perform and concentrate to achieve our set goal and task. 

Physical health and mental state is the key to top efficiency and productivities. Exercising is important in keeping our physical body in check but the food we eat is equally important as well. Natural health through food is key to optimal productivity and efficiency. Knowing what food does what is important in targeting the are we are lacking or focus on.

Work productivity is a critical issue because of the growing workload

Continuing the previous article, this article will provide you with foods that will help you work effectively during stressful working days and large workloads.


Scientific studies have shown that eating eggs daily does not only provide the nutrients necessary for your natural health, it also contributes to increased productivity.

Reduces stress and anxiety

Eggs contain nine essential amino acids that help to strengthen the nerves, regulate the production of serotonin – the neurotransmitter that makes you feel relaxed, calm and optimistic. 

Deficiency of these amino acids can affect your mental health. When stress land on you it difficult to be productive by eating eat the chemical to calm the nerve and positive ability make you more focus to solve challenges and performance is enhanced. You state of mind is receptive and willing to make things work.

If you eat eggs at breakfast, that means you can start a day full of energy, ready to do your best for the day.

Eggs are one of the foods for a natural health

Protect the brain

Eggs contain an essential nutrient called choline, which helps support the development of the brain. Studies have shown that choline deficiency can cause neurological disorders and decreased cognitive function. Regular egg consumption can help you keep your normal choline levels and protect your brain, help you think rationally and logically. Better brain work also means that you can complete your work faster and with good results.

Strengthen eyesight

With tired eyes, how can you work effectively, especially in today’s climate where almost every jobs require computer work?

New research shows that eggs are rich in lutein that enhances vision, giving you a sharper eyesight. Deficiencies of this substance will damage the accumulation of tissue in the eye, causing irreversible eyesight, which can impair vision. 2 eggs a day can help you overcome this phenomenon.

Dark chocolate

There aren’t many things that are as delicious as it is good for natural health such as dark chocolate. You will always find dark chocolates in all of the top food lists for brain and memory.

Eating Dark chocolate reduces stress and makes you feel happier

Dark chocolate promotes the production of happy hormones Endorphin. This hormone binds to the brain’s addictive receptors and provides a sense of excitement. Dark chocolate is the leading tryptophan-rich dietary supplement, an amino acid that is the precursor of serotonin, the neurotransmitter of happiness and positive emotions.

Dark chocolate is also a natural source of anandamide, a naturally occurring compound known as the “molecule of pleasure”.

Besides, Magnesium is effective in helping you relax because it is known as the “top sedative”. This essential mineral reduces stress by inhibiting the release of stress hormone cortisol.

Our food menu usually lacks a large amount of magnesium but dark chocolate contains the amount of magnesium required for your daily needs. Consuming lots of magnesium from chocolate increases the chances of recovery from work stress, thus recover your energy to continue working at your highest efficiency.

Anandamide is very similar to THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol), the main neurotransmitter in opium, but anandamide is not addictive

So in meetings or stressful brainstorm, you can use dark chocolate as a snack to stay calm, create aggression and stimulate positive and creative thinking, support the process of high-performance work.

Dark chocolate improves blood flow to the brain, improves memory and concentration

The compounds found in dark chocolate enhance memory, prolong the concentration, speed up the response, and increase problem-solving skills by increasing blood flow to the brain.

Flavonoids in dark chocolate have been shown to improve blood flow to children’s brains, young people and even the elderly. Therefore, using chocolate regularly during stressful work will help you improve your memory naturally, help your brain to be stronger and more flexible, contributing significantly to high-quality performance.

Chocolate also contains caffeine, a brain stimulant which, in low doses, enhances memory, emotion and concentration.


Avocado is a perfect because of its nutrients

Avocado is one of the most well-known natural health foods. The two effective elements of avocado below make it a beneficial food that you can’t ignore if you have to work efficiently for a long time.

Improves brain health

Avocado, according to health experts is one of the best brain foods due to high levels of omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3 fatty acids keep your brain healthy by improving blood supply to the prefrontal cortex. (The front of the brain which is responsible for critical thinking, behaviour, decision-making and planning ability). For those who work in stressful environments, this is the best medicine for you, it will improve brain circulation, help you think clearly even when under pressure, make decisions quickly, increase performance significantly.

Enhances eye health

Avocados also help maintain good vision, because you probably cannot work with poor eyesight and aches. A good vision helps us to be sensitive to the numbers, to better receive and analyse information and data

This fruit is rich in lutein carotenoids, an antioxidant that protects the eyes from oxidative damage caused by cataracts and macular degeneration, usually associated with age.

Now you know the natural health benefits of avocado and now it’s time to start thinking about putting them in your daily diet.

Sweet potato

Gives you energy

On average, a sweet potato contains 26 grams of starch, half the amount of starch contained in potatoes and one third the amount of starch contained in white rice. Not only that, sweet potatoes are a good source of minerals (especially iron and magnesium), fibre and carbohydrates so they help maintain a stable energy source. The rich amount of vitamin B6 in sweet potato is also crucial in converting food into energy for the body, to ensure that you can work efficiently a whole day long.

Enhances your eyesight

Sweet potatoes are rich in beta-carotene, which is converted to vitamin A in the body. This vitamin is known to be good for your eyesight, which is really important when faced with a working day with the computer.

Promotes brain health

Potassium in sweet potatoes is an important electrolyte that helps control heart rate and neurological signals. Magnesium is also critical for the healthy growth neurological functions. These two nutrients work to ensure your brain will be in the best condition to think logically, make correct decisions and react fast to information.

Besides, to be productive you need to be calm, focused and have positive thinking too. Sweet potatoes give you plenty of serotonin which promotes feelings of happiness and peace. While magnesium and iron are both minerals that can help reduce stress, making you stay calm and focus even in pressing situations (like meeting your deadlines)

Many micronutrients are important for the nervous system, maintaining energy and increasing productivity


Improves memory, alertness

Yoghurt has long been considered a very good food for natural health because it contains a lot of calcium and other nutrients. However, yoghurt also has a special ability: help to enhance concentration. This is because an antioxidant called Tyrosine in yoghurt, which will help produce neurotransmitters that improve memory and enhance brain alertness, helping you maintain a full day of work productivity

Yoghurt is rich in vitamins that are beneficial for increasing the productivity

Vitamin supplement

Your body needs minerals like potassium, phosphorus, iodine, riboflavin, zinc and vitamin B5.

Yoghurt also contains vitamin B12, which is usually found in animal fats such as fish, chicken and vitamin B12, which helps your nervous system to function better as it maintains and replenishes blood cells. Vitamin B12 is also found in many of the yoghurt ingredients.

Vitamin B12 is an important nutrient when it comes to extending your memory and improving your performance. In terms of productivity, it boosts serotonin and dopamine, helps you feel positive about yourself and enhances your ability to work in the best and most productive way.

For adults only eating about 200 grams (equivalent to 2 boxes of yoghurt) can supply 60% of the required calories and 1.4 micrograms of vitamins. You can easily eat yoghurt right at your company and immediately return to work in a productive way.

Recover health faster

With high carbohydrate content, yoghurt is considered a very healthy snack for people working overtime.

According to nutrition expert Keri Gans: Yogurt is rich in amino acids which help regenerate proteins. And these proteins will help the development of muscle. Protein in yoghurt can also increase the amount of water absorbed through the intestinal tract, offset the calories and water you lost. This is why yoghurt can help you to quickly recover energy, in case you need to work long hours.

These foods will be good for your natural health if you add them to your daily meals. And with peak physical state you can as productive as you want. Aside from diet, don’t forget that frequent exercise is important to preserve your work efficiency too. Get up and walk, it won’t be a waste of time but instead, contribute to increased productivity. If you want more information about how to boost your productivity as well as natural health you can visit us at


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