7 morning drinks for Natural health


We are made up of 70% water. Hence we need water to balance and nourish us. After a long night of sleep, you need to hydrate your body with water to help your body to replenish itself and promote efficient functioning. Drinking and what we put into our body become a major focus. Natural health is the key here as all their ingredient is the everyday ingredient that benefits our body.  Here are the types of drinks you can add to your daily breakfast for long your health:

Filtered Water

It does not sound very appealing, but it’s the way to start the day best for your health. Water purifies the body but contains no calories. It plays a significant role in reducing muscle and joint pain. Water also boosts metabolism, and you can add some fresh lemon slices to supplement your nutrition. Many people say that there is nothing better than drinking lemon water every morning.


Why not take a few minutes each morning to prepare yourself a delicious and nutritious fruit drink? A glass of smoothie provides essential nutrients and water to the body. Fresh or frozen fruits keep their natural sweetness and essential vitamins. If you want the energy to start a new day, prepare a smoothie with strawberries, flaxseed and low-fat yoghurt. It contains some calories but also have fibre, unsaturated fat, protein and calcium needed each day.

Mint tea

Enjoying a cup of mint tea every morning is also a good habit for your health as they work to soothe cramps and support digestion. Mint is considered a natural antispasmodic drug that helps the body fight pain and stiffness, especially when you are exercising. This non-calorie type of tea accelerates food in the intestinal tract, creating a better digestion system.

Orange juice

Các loại đồ uống buổi sáng tốt cho sức khỏe - 1

Containing a significant amount of vitamin C and antioxidants, an orange juice at breakfast helps to reverse serious diseases like cancer, cataracts, and birth defects. Vitamin C in oranges prevents oxidative damage leading to cancer. It also enhances the function of immunity to fight off infections. Finally, oranges are excellent sources of folate, and some calories (depending on the volume you drink) for 237ml 115ml are the calories).

 Cayenne pepper drink

If spice is your thing, this will become a favourite drink as the pungent of the spice is felt. If you are trying to lose weight, you can add cayenne peppers to your morning drinks. It strengthens the immune system and cleanses the colon of weight-adjustment support.

Tomato juice

A cup of about 178ml of tomato juice is enough to give you plenty of lycopene. Tomato juice contains antioxidants that reduce the risk of cancer. It helps protect your heart and lungs from the effects of oxidation. Tomato juice is also a perfect choice for those who are losing weight because a glass of 178ml contains only 31 calories.

Low-fat milk

A cup of milk 237ml only 120 calories but contains a lot of fat, protein and starch, which is good for your health. A glass of milk every morning can reduce your hunger as the protein and starch will slowly metabolise, allowing you to be fuller longer. At the same time, milk is good for bones and stabilises blood sugar.

Please note: if you can use organic ingredient with any of this item it would be healthier for you, and the result will be faster. Organic does not contain harmful chemicals in the growing and process of the food. It means we are eating less if not any chemical into our body. And less chemical means less harm to our body. So choose organic.


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