7 facial natural organic steaming formula for a beautiful skin


Steaming is known to be one of the most well-kept beauty secrets. With steaming it comes down to the ingredient. Ensure you use fresh natural organic food to steam. It is ideal if the ingredient is organic, however, if you can not find this, you can use fresh ingredients from the market or supermarket. This article will give us a list of top 7 saunas or steaming formula for beautiful skin.

Coriander leaves steamed

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Coriander is a herb that is used to stimulate your skin, remove the toxic substances and dirt from your pores and revitalise your skin. Using a pot of with water, boil the water, and put the coriander leaves into the pot. Once the coriander perfume radiate cover the head with a towel over the pan, let the steam penetrate your skin for 10-15 minutes. The skin becomes cleaner, clearer and brighter.

Chrysanthemum Steam

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If you have dry or sensitive skin, use chrysanthemum to enhance skin moisturising and hydration. Yellow chrysanthemum works to soothe the red bumps and reduce the pain caused by acne. When Steaming at home with chrysanthemum, simply pour hot water into a bowl or small pot, add some chrysanthemum flower petals or chrysanthemum bud to hot water and steam for 8-10 minutes. The water vapour with chrysanthemum will not only help cleanse the skin, remove acne, but also make the skin smooth.

Steam with licorice/liquorice root and mint

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Licorice and mint are two ingredients to detoxify and make the skin more relaxing, and rosy. Wash the orange and peppermint roots, put them in a pot of water and boil it. Then cover your head with a towel steaming your face for 10-15 minutes to clean all pores and stimulating your skin hence giving you a healthy glow.

Sauna with chrysanthemum and dried roses

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If you have dry or sensitive skin, use Rose to enhance skin tone, nourish, and hydrate. You can also add yellow chrysanthemum to soothe the red bumps and reduce the pain caused by acne. Pour boil water into a bowl or small pot, add some chrysanthemum, Rose petals into the hot water and steam for 8-10 minutes. The heat from water combined with chrysanthemum and rose will not only help cleanse the skin, remove acne, but also make the skin smooth and hydrated.

Steam with licorice/liquorice root and mint

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Use 5-6 lemongrass and put them into pot water and boil it. Add the chrysanthemum, wait for 5 minutes, and then you can start to steam. This combination helps with bactericidal elimination and remove waste from the pore.

Lemon and mint salads

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Considered as the two most effective and safe acne herbs. Add about 3 to 4 slices of lemon and 5 mint leaves to hot water. Then cover the lid for 10 minutes and steam your face for 8 to 10 minutes.  Please ensure that the steam is not too hot. It should be warm with accordance to your level tolerant but not hot to burn you. With this sauna, your skin will get rid of the toxic substances in your skin. Besides that, they also help remove acne and moisturize the skin.

Brew with bitter melon

Bitter melon is an oriental medicine recognised for its bitterness, welding properties, the effect of heat detoxification, ulcer treatment and boils are very good. Bitter Melon has antibacterial properties, its’ lighten the skin, and anti-irritant properties are good and effective as a treatment. Cut ½ a bitter melon into thin pieces. Then put the bitter melon into a pot of boiling water. Use a towel as cover to steam your face for 10-15 minutes. Cleansing your pores, brighten skin and reduce irritation.

Some notes on sauna

To make the skin beautiful, you should note some of the following:

1) Need to take a bath before the sauna to help remove all the dirt and relax your body in the sauna. After the steaming, just wipe with a dry towel.

2) Do not bath in either hot or cold water after steaming. Because after a hot steam your pores are dilated, as your pores are open due to the steam vapour causing this sweating if you a bath after steaming, it can cause the pores to tighten, water retention, stagnation, blood circulation decreased, be more susceptible to infection, especially the lung.

3)  Do not steam when you are full or after a meal, are drunk, or have a high fever. When you have a high fever, new food or drink, the cardiovascular activity is not normal, cause consequences such as tangle cardiovascular morbidity, myocardial infarction, and severe stroke. When you are full after a meal, steaming can cause an adverse effect to the stomach, reduce the function of digestion at the same time can lead to some diseases relating to your organs.

4) Notes when steaming: breath properly. Note: The proper way to breathe is to breathe in slowly through the nose and then exhale through the mouth. To compensate for the amount of water after the sauna, you need to drink a cup of hot ginger tea or eat a snack like porridge to replenish your body.

Above are the top saunas for the skin. Hopefully, this secret will give you the best skin you can have. Enjoy!

What have you tried? If you know of any other streaming ingredients, please let me know in the comments below.



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