In our body, water accounts for 70% of body mass and plays a critical role in maintaining, improving and improving human health and wellbeing. Therefore, drinking enough water every day is always an essential part of the healthcare process. Water is the primary healthy drink you need. However, there are also many kinds of healthy drinks. You need to add to the body. Therefore, will advise you four healthy drinks to drink every day.
Note: If you can get organic with anyone of this item it would be best as organic product heavily regulated and tested for chemicals. Organic food or products are free from harmful chemicals.
Lemon water
Lemon water is perfect for you there so many vitamins and minerals in lemon. One cup of fresh lemon juice provides 187 percent of your daily recommended serving of vitamin C. Lemon juice also have minerals like potassium, magnesium and copper. Also, its negative charge ions molecule will boost your energy level.
The fascinating thing is lemon acids encourage the body to slow down its food processing rate, breakdown and absorption for maximum nutrition which means less bloating for you. Lemon water is a mild diuretic which stimulates liver function helping it to flush out the toxin. Hence helping the body to detox and remove the unwanted substance.
Vitamin C is an antioxidant; lemon contains a high level of this vitamin make lemon an excellent skin protector as it fights off free radical which destroy our cells. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition confirmed that regular consumption of vitamin C would keep you looking younger. This due vitamin C ability to get the body to continue to produce collagen to smooth out the skin.
Drinking lemon water can help you lose weight. The pectin ( a type of fibre) in lemon make you feel fuller longer. Hence you eat less as you are less hungry.
Additionally, the scent of a lemon can to reduce stress levels and improve moods. So the next time someone is not in a good mood offer one to them.
Herbal teas
Herbal teas are not teas at all; they’re usually a particular combination of dried fruits, flowers, and herbs cater for specific needs. Herbal varieties contain no caffeine. Herbal teas that you can take daily include: actiso tea, fresh herbal tea, lotus tea, heat tea, chrysanthemum tea
Herbal tea can have health benefits like liver health, blood filter, cardioprotection, purifying the body, help your appetite or have a good sleep, etc. There are very few studies on herbal tea, but the journal of nutrition has found that taking three cups of hibiscus tea every day could help lower blood pressure for those with hypertension. Evidence has shown that chamomile tea promotes sleep and peppermint calm the stomach.
Herbal tea is healthy for you; it can treat particular need you may have.
Green tea
Green tea seems to be the natural medicine for many diseases and infections. It not only improve your mental state but also helps you lose weight if that is your goal.
Green tea can improve brain function, which improves mood, vigilance, reaction time and memory. As we all know caffeine is a stimulus that green tea has. However green tea has less caffeine than coffee but has enough caffeine to get the desired effect. The amino acid L-theanine work alongside with caffeine to improve brain function.
Multiple studies have shown that green tea lowers the risk of various cancer type. Due to green tea powerful antioxidants amount, it contains which fight/protect against cancer.
Geen tea has a compound called catechin, studies have shown this substance help the brain from ageing and lowering the risk of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. This catechin also inhibits bacteria and viruses growth, therefore improving dental health and lower infections.
There are much more benefits that green tea has that has not been mention here. Therefore, drinking green tea every day will help your health.
Coconut water
The best time to drink coconut water is when they are 5-7 months of age, as they contain the most water. Coconut has a high level of electrolyte, they have sometimes used in IV hydration in an emergency. Furthermore, the electrolyte level in coconut is similar to our human blood, making an ideal drink to hydrate as well as remove toxins from our body. Specifically, electrolyte potassium help counteracts the high sodium process food adverse effect.
Researcher in 2005 study has a link the high potassium in coconut water reducing cardiovascular disease risk. Potassium neutralises with sodium, which aids in lowering blood pressure.
With the combination electrolytes calcium and magnesium in coconut, both are relaxation compound can relax your muscle or release stress. Calcium helps smooth and relax muscles. While Magnesium help destresses you by assisting the body in formulating serotonin a feel-good hormone aiding the parasympathetic nervous system, the nervous system that helps you relax.
All these drinks are straightforward to make and easy to obtain. Incorporate these drinks into our daily consumption. Let me know what you think? let me know which one of these drink you have incorporated into your daily drinking habit.